New Metal-Archives


Sep 13, 2005
Atlanta, GA
So after years...and years...and years of discussion, looks like the new version of Metal-Archives is live. Thoughts?

The musician pages are kind of cool and I like how you can sort the releases by full length, EP, live, etc. Parts of it are kinda ugly but overall I think it's good.
Version 1 Sanctuary's Page

Version 2 Sanctuary's Page

As I do with most new redesigns lately... I prefer the old one. I think the v1 looks better on my screen. There might be more functionality but imo the v1 was just fine as it is. I do like the similar artists tab though at least and at least they're a new redesign for once that doesn't have drop down menus at the top of the page.

Note to self: time to find a better image hosting site. Imageshack just isn't cutting it anymore.
It's the best reference site for metal, bar none. I like the new layout but still gotta get used to it a bit (I'm so used to the old one it's like second nature). ^^^And frankly, I've always liked the stripped down display, it's an encyclopedia for crying out loud, no need for lots of glitzy gus...
It's a big improvement, the red scheme is still way overdone and something you can prophecy on in metal sites these days, but at least it isn't the glaring eye destroying hue it used to be. It handles the tab system way better than the stupid newer Yahoo! mail, which half the time either crashes on a script, or fails to show the content of the selected mail. My band's page still looks cool, but hey, grass is green and water is wet. :cool:
All the issue I ever saw with the old site are still there, now the new problem is getting use to this site.
I have always thought it was a good reference base to start with, but A LOT of the information is wrong. I think it getting so bad because anyone can update things and often those people are just wrong. I have seen reviewers a few times have bad information and when asked where it came from it was metalarchivies.
I know that according to that site I have out releases that I'm not aware of. If my label name if looked up not everything is pulled up, though the Twisted Tower reissue is mentioned under the band's listing. I think all of my releases should show up. Two of my releases say they were previously released which is not true. With the Thunderstick doesn't have the line up correct. I could go on. Every time I'm over there I notice mistakes on some page.
Have tried and tried to get used to the site but haven't gotten into it. I was used to all bands listed on one page by letter but now have to hunt more often than not. I sure wish all bands could be listed in one page rather than hunting multiple pages.....

Just my 2 cents worth.....
I hate it. I liked the simplicity of the old design. Made it easier to easily see what's what. Now it's so fucking convoluted. I was looking at Nevermore's page and it just bugged me that I had to go through members --> legacy lineup --> past musicians --> live musicians just to find out who was in the band when before it was all on one page. Great, so now pretentious dorks write reviews on a site that is just as pretentious.
I hate it. I liked the simplicity of the old design. Made it easier to easily see what's what. Now it's so fucking convoluted. I was looking at Nevermore's page and it just bugged me that I had to go through members --> legacy lineup --> past musicians --> live musicians just to find out who was in the band when before it was all on one page. Great, so now pretentious dorks write reviews on a site that is just as pretentious. isnt as easy to use and not very user freindly. Love the last line. very true.
I was a regular on the old site. Found some pretty good bands on it. The new site? Jesus H. Christ! Talk about breaking what did not need fixing! They made the site cumbersome. You have to dig more than you used to.