new metal song

Hey Ronnie, could you upload it somewhere else? everytime i get on, i get hit by popups by a company called "errorsafe"... and it forces me to shutdown all my internet explorer windows...

I would like to hear it!
Killer! I guess when you said "new metal" you didn't mean "nü metal," because this is way better than I expected given the title. :)

Some seriously badass work here! Great riffs, and the guitars and drums sound killer! Did you ever post your POD XT patches? I'm really amazed by your POD XT tone still.
Dude that killed....great song, and the mix was good and clear aswell...Liked it alot....Drums sound real!....If you hadnt said it was EZdrummer i wouldnt have known.. :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

Nice tone Ronnie!!

POD XT you say? seriously, i would not have guessed that if you had not mentioned that, they sound really "roomy" to me, and i like it!

What is in your chain? just the POD XT into the soundcard?