New metallica for those interested

...Still better than Death Magnetic... And I'm a Metallica fan! They just AREN'T exactly Metallica anymore, that's all!

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does it really make sense to post new metallica shit and bash it for pages upon pages on a forum?? yes metallica sucks. did you expect anything different?? this is almost 20 years old at this point. (im counting "load" as their last good cd)
^^^ Are you? Why? :loco:

It could be decent yeah. So, the question is, why release this unfinished, is it to look cool and underground and say it's a garage release ? Why not have someone mix that correctly ?

What's the betting that there's a clause in Rubin's contract barring them from doing exactly that unless him and his people do it?
in a forum where most members are much, much more mature than your regular metal forum, i'd expect at least SOME of you not to act like a bunch of babies and attack metallica on sight, it's not like they're... i don't know... the biggest metal band in history? and for a good fucking reason. they've earned every buck they made for every CD and every concert ticket.
fact is these guys play their instruments more than twice the age of some members here and they have been doing what they do for years now.

if you don't like the song, just say you don't like it, don't disrespect the one band that we are would give kidney to just attend a studio for even one hour while they're recording.
and for the record, before someone says their last album is shit, DM is a fucking brilliant album that sounds horrible for reasons that have nothing to do with the band members themselves.

My dad has been nice to me for the 28 years I've been alive, but if he bums me in my sleep when I go home for christmas holidays then my opinion might change somewhat.

Metallica have been my favourite band for years - I collected everything they ever did including rare as fuck releases/EPs/singles etc up until (and including) St Anger. But just because they released some of the best music ever put to tape does not make them immune to criticism. I thought DM had some good moments, but 'fucking brilliant' is very generous when referring to an album crammed full of kirk hammett solos that are so stock he could set up a legitimate business competitor to Oxo. And some of the riffs at the end of 'Day that Never comes'? They are like my-first-metal-band-riffs. But as has been said already, personal enjoyment of music is subjective. However I would say that even subjectivity can start to border on objectivity when enough people (inc. mostly fans/former fans) share the opinion that something is shit.

And furthermore, Death Magnetic DOES sound shit directly as a result of the band members. For a start, Metallica are so big that they can do what they want, which includes hearing the final mix and saying "do it again, this is awful." However I distinctly remember Lars saying in interviews that they wanted DM to be super loud because that is how metal records are made these days.

Big shame - I still love metallica and will forever be grateful for their musical output from 1983-1998.
You always seem to come into these threads to defend Metallica.

"DM is a fucking brilliant album "
Subjective. I personally think it's god awful music and I know many people here agree with that sentiment.

It has nothing to do with it being the "in thing" to attack Metallica or people "being a bunch of babies". People just genuinely don't like it, shouldn't be too hard to understand.
I don't give a flying fuck if they are the "the biggest metal band in history", and couldn't give a hoot if I found out James Hetfield was in fact, literally god reincarnated into human form, because it doesn't change the fact that I find a good majority of their music either boring or so bad that I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemies to be locked in a room with St Anger and Death Magnetic played all the way through.

Give up the crusade man and let it go man. You're not changing anyone's opinion on the issue, we've made up our minds clear as day.

This. People shouldn't even be worrying about the production when the music is this terrible. Good production wouldn't polish this turd.

yeah obviously i'll defend them when the "in" thing all over the internet is to bash them, and than, when they have a show where you live, get a ticket without even thinking about it, and still attending a great show.

the fact that you actually don't like them doesn't mean that 99% of metallica threads wherever they may be are full of hate for no reason at all. if you really don't like them, good for you! but knowing so many KIDS who can listen to anything that's trendy e.g. djent, core-shit and not even bother listening to some actuall music pisses me off (because then they become stupid musicians you have to deal with that can't even remotely play their shit)
anyway i expected THIS forum to be more mature than that and not just follow the trend.

and i am getting tired of this...
You should hear the other songs on the EP. Just a Bullet Away is so close to being on par with old-school Metallica, but the drums are so anemic and flat, despite some actually cool beats here and there. The EP is actually stuff they couldn't fit on DM, not the stuff that wasn't good enough. Shine is on the EP.
yeah obviously i'll defend them when the "in" thing all over the internet is to bash them, and than, when they have a show where you live, get a ticket without even thinking about it, and still attending a great show.

the fact that you actually don't like them doesn't mean that 99% of metallica threads wherever they may be are full of hate for no reason at all. if you really don't like them, good for you! but knowing so many KIDS who can listen to anything that's trendy e.g. djent, core-shit and not even bother listening to some actuall music pisses me off (because then they become stupid musicians you have to deal with that can't even remotely play their shit)
anyway i expected THIS forum to be more mature than that and not just follow the trend.

and i am getting tired of this...

For the record, Ride the Lightning is easily in my top 5 thrash albums of all time. I also used to listen to Kill 'Em All quite obsessively when I was younger. Not as much of a fan of MoP or AJFA, but still quality music.

If Metallica released their last 3 records first they wouldn't have gotten as popular as they did...

We criticize them for a reason.

Now excuse me, I have songs about trains to listen to.

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I think many people here are used to a very, very polished sound. This is not nickelback mix but it´s raw, good and perceptive. The song it´s not bad but not great either.