New metallica for those interested

yeah obviously i'll defend them when the "in" thing all over the internet is to bash them, and than, when they have a show where you live, get a ticket without even thinking about it, and still attending a great show.

the fact that you actually don't like them doesn't mean that 99% of metallica threads wherever they may be are full of hate for no reason at all. if you really don't like them, good for you! but knowing so many KIDS who can listen to anything that's trendy e.g. djent, core-shit and not even bother listening to some actuall music pisses me off (because then they become stupid musicians you have to deal with that can't even remotely play their shit)
anyway i expected THIS forum to be more mature than that and not just follow the trend.

and i am getting tired of this...

I personally love Metallica's older material(Everything from Load and back.).
I think that Kirk is the worst guitarist ever and that he should have been replaced YEARS ago.
I think that Lars used to be a great thrash drummer, but that he's gotten fat and lazy and cant play for shit anymore.
The new song material is absolutely horrible and i cant even understand how anyone would defend this fact after lulu(It sucked so bad i think it gave me cancer.).

Personally, im not sure if i would go to see Metallica anywhere near me anymore.. after seeing Big Four on TV and noticing the fact that ~95% of the audience wherent even real metalheads made me kind of sick, and lulu kind of put the last nail in the coffin for me.
I saw them live a few years ago and it was great, but mentioning all of the above i honestly cant say that i am a fan anymore.

I think the "trend" you're seeing is the real fans basically feeling like their idols spit them in their face, and nothing else matters(Hurrhurrhurrdurr.).
For those of you asking why Metallica doesn't react to the "hate" and "feedback" they get on the internet:

a) they are the biggest metal band ever - they "know" how to make music and they do it the way they want
b) they probably don't even read anything on any forum on a regular basis
c) even if someone criticizes them, they most likely think "who gives a shit? if they all know so well, why don't they play in band and become famous!? fuckin' losers"
d) millions of people still like their stuff and come to the shows. And tell them in person how awesome Metallica are. Why should they care about a few singular opinions.

I'm pretty sure that's what is going on in their heads, simply because that's what's going on in my head when I happen to come across criticism of my music on the web. I'm definitely nowhere near Metallica's status, but in my scene I'm pretty well-known. And if I think like that, someone with 200 gazillion records sold will definitely think like that.

That's why they simply do what they want. It's not like they have any need to sell one more record.
I actually liked some of Rebel of Babylon....musically (excluding the VOCALS!). Because it was not what I expected, lots of left hand turns, bright chorus, some evil sounding riffs...not bad.

but get this: my German teacher's step brother (weird right?) is actually Tony Dicioccio (apart of Q prime) basically one of the managers for the mighty met.

connections connections connections...haha
As "Songs" go its not a horrible song. Probably one of their better tunes in the last 10 years honestly. If it had better production it would be pretty fucking heavy. Granted the high notes are auto-tuned to all fuck, and they sound like shit.

But all in all not a bad song. The Kick is ok, the snare and toms got to go. Scoop the guitars a bit and it would be pretty decent.

I have to say for NEW Metallica I am kinda impressed. From 3:30 on this song rocks pretty fucking hard, the harmony riff at 4:20 is pretty fucking awesome if you ask me. Thats a classic 'tallica riff right there. The out of tune solo really sucks but hey, Kirk is all outta ideas.

I been a hater since the Black Album but this is pretty good to be honest.
I have no problem with Kirk Hammett and I will always love Rob T. Fuck, if I saw James or Lars on the street I would say hi. But I have no idea how the fuck you can sell your soul to the devil repeatedly as these guys have. And holy shit, what is up w/ James' voice?

I would kill to hear Iced Earth's new singer sing over the newer songs. Would be sick!!
I never said that his solos where bad, i said that he was a horrible guitar player.. its a completely different thing being a good musician then being a good player.
His intonation is horrible, his bends have never been in key, his vibrato sounds like a 12 year old trying it for the first time.. it just fucking sucks, it sounds like a newbie trying to play stuff way out of his league.

But that being said, i agree that his solos where great.. its just to bad that he got to play them.
Seen Stu here in milan! it's really better than on record, I was speechless when he sings high pitched stuff, like Halford on steroids

Haven't heard him in IE yet, but some his high pitched screaming-but-not-wimpy-falsetto is insane.

"...For see this end is frozen
Begins this timeless win-terrrrrrr!"

theres two tracks from the sessions of death magnetic.. one is to do with a gun or something, but its a pure rip off of the Hell March riff on command and conquer i did a cover of a few years back

wish these guys would stop fucking around!

lol and by super loud? -6db RMS... its just soo laughable!!! XD
As Mr. Sneap himself said in response to this picture before ...

"If you sold 50 million cds would YOU still be shopping for clothes at Target?"

I could buy Armani if I want.. and I'm generally broke as fuck :D

If I sold 50 million cds... I'd probably be dead already
I'm wearing Armani right now and I'm not kidding ;)

That wasn't really the point of the statement and you know that but I'm not gonna go too deep defending a comment I didn't originally make :p