New Metallica song (live, for real)

Heh, some of you guys seem quicker to judge yhan an AICN fanboy. Anyway, it's a two minute clip, taped from TV, it's really hard to gauge something. Most of the reviews have said that this album will take may listens to "absorb" or whatever you want to substitute for that.

Btw, I thought it sounded promising, but there's so little to go on, I'll wait till I listen to the album before I proclaim it "shit".
Iblys said:

Garunteed to kick your fucking arse, all you naysayers.
Yeah, go on and tell me they sold out, and that they're still playing "load" and "reload".

This song rocks like you wouldn't believe.

Iblys, you have no idea what you're talking about. Nay nay nay. They sold out.

I checked out your bands website though, got a few songs - i'm impressed. Everybody else, check out Lucid Falls - man they look tough in those pics.
Having gotten into them AFTER they made their changes, I can say I like all of their catalogue about equally. I'd probably feel the same way as other people if I'd been into them since Puppets or something...

Having said that, I'm totally unsure about this one. The 2 minute live clip was too short and noisey to be certain of, and the 30 second studio clip is way too short to get anything from. It hints at something that could be really good, or a bland failure. I'm definately doing a try-before-buy.
Eh, not too bad. It's definitely not enough to tell whether or not I'm going to like the new album. It seems like they might be forcing the new "back to heavy material" thing, almost seems directionless. And yes, the vocals need to be more agressive, IMO. I'll definitely check out the album, but I dunno.