New Metric halo ChannelStrip


Mar 23, 2011
Sorry guys if there is already a post about this.

Check this :

The UI on that thing has always frightened me.

+1. always thought it looked terrible and awfully confusing.

i've never used it as I'm not MAC based but if Sneap and Lasse (and many others love it) I'm sure it's a great tool to have.

Visually though, it's a nightmare IMO...
So basically, only change is that they added a Limiter ? What's the deal for people who already have the V2 ?

Anyway, I've always heard good things about it, but jesus sweet jesus, what an horrible UI, I would do better myself with my limited knowledge in photoshop.

They say "for protools", but they mean "native VST AU", don't they ?

Sorry to hear that you guys hate the GUI so much. We arrived at it by taking into account feedback from folks about ChannelStrip 2 (e.g. make it bigger, clearer, and resizable) What are you looking for? And why do you find it confusing?


B.J. Buchalter
Metric Halo
Well, just compare it visually to a channel strip like this:


Half the screen real-estate, except the knobs, functions and sections are much more clearly defined. There are less block colours, and above all - they are not fluorescent. The gradients, the shading etc. all help the user compartmentalize the different functions in their mind. On the MH UI the knobs are all lined up like an Excel spreadsheet, which makes it very hard to visually differentiate their functions, without going through and reading everything. Just doesn't look very intuitive at first. I'm sure it becomes so once someone gets familiar with it, but there's got to be room for some improvement there.
Yeah guys trust me, after 5 minutes with this thing it's easy as hell. Love love love mhcs, and shall buy the update the second it comes out. I've never minded the GUI, but then again I've owned this plug or a LONG time!
Yeah guys trust me, after 5 minutes with this thing it's easy as hell. Love love love mhcs, and shall buy the update the second it comes out. I've never minded the GUI, but then again I've owned this plug or a LONG time!

this, the old GUI was actually really nice I think.
but the new one....looks REALLY cheap IMO