i kinda said that post in hopes of you posting something blakkheim. and fucking thats all i need. i mean it was either you guys broke up or it was that you couldnt release anything and didnt know what to say to us about it. im just glad its still alive. we all love bloodbath and i think i speak for everyone when i say we're all by your side with whatever happens with the band. bloodbath isnt just a band, its a religion, and we all live by it. and i wanna thank you blakkheim for posting on this site. everyone is dying to hear about the progression of bloodbath, and like Qth said, its these every random posts that are made by you that keeps us fans on the edge of our seats. you fucking rock.

That was a major asslicking post man! GJ! :lol:
Blackkheim is very nice to take the time to read these posts.
He also is a bad ass mofo guitar player. After seeing you live young man, it has been comfirmed! You kick ass.
I've got complete confidence in Blakkheim, Jonas and the other (whoever it is) bandmembers that they are gonna do the best fucking album they are able to do and won't disappoint any of us.
Whenever the time is right to release it.

Anders' posts show that the band cares about us and they're not gonna let us down.

Thumbs up.
Wish it was that easy for me to cream my pants...just log onto the forum re-read the post and ah... good to go
bloodbath is not dead. u guys have no idea whats goin on behind the walls, but let me tell u that its just as frustrating for us as for u that things are not at the point where we are able to open our mouths and deliver the awaited news, but once we do, we will! and it will be right fukkin here...

Oh good to know that Bloodbath is still alive :kickass:
But it sounds like "sorry guys, the record-labels are still doing trouble and they have forbid us to release the line up and news regarding the EP".
I hope that it won't take so much time as the DVD does.
But I'm very glad to know, that Anders is still here and that he cares about the Bloodbath-fans. :notworthy
I´m so happy to hear that bloodbath is alive!
for me its not a big problem to wait untill the new cd comes out, because i cant get enought from RTC xD! sure its better to get new infos(of course to get the cd)..but the main thing is, that bloodbath is alive ;)!
Ah, i wish that the record labels stop being cunts, grow some balls and let bloodbath do whatever they desire, because they are the fucking masters of death metal.... Anyways, until bloodbath releases the new CD, ill make them my top weekly artist on Last.FM starting Monday :]
I can't believe people would think the band wouldn't give the news if they were able to? Do you really think the people who give a shit about Bloodbath the most aren't Jonas and Anders? Seriously, some people are acting like Bloodbath is something we have to force them into.

all I have to say....BALLLICKER ..! want sum of my ballz too? aye?
i await the news patiently, you guys are eager ass motherfuckers, let everything get into line first.