No, you not really want that. It's the worst German beer ever :Puke:

Absolute Ekel-Plörre :lol:

ey don't diss 5,0 Original ^^ another beer just as cheap is Öttinger which lots of people hate too but to be honest I like have to train yourself to like it a bit but when you're that far it's worth it:D and no one ever comes asking if you can give em a beer cause they'll want to drink Becks...
Blue Dry 10% is craptacular
Lucky Lager force 10 too

I knew a guy who used to wake up, drink a 1.18L of force 10 then hop to work
What a human waste, no wonder why he disapeared in the fat air

about BLOODBATH, I see peter is still a member according to the site's members list. I assume that doesnt mean anything and Peter is still there only cuz the webmaster is asleep at the switch?
It's not very death metal to be dealing with labels. the guys from bloodbath should just kill those fuckers, rip out their insides and make their new cd from their bones.
Okay I have a BIG problem atm! My hair!

Im trying to let it grow out so I can look omgwtfpwnb00talmetal but now my hair looks like a emo hairstyle. Please help! I dont know what to do with it! :O
lol, wear a'll look like all the pot head dumbass teenage skater kids for about a year. But then, when you take off your hat, you'll have the brootal hair you so desperately want
mine did that too, its like 25 inches now, it almost is at my waist, that took about 4 years, the best piece of advice i can give is just let it grow and be patient, mine was in that stage for about 4 months before it looked halfway decent, it'll come with time, then it will be brutal:rock:
Hair-extensions? That's to much :P And regarding hats, me in a hat is roflomgbbqlewlz. I guess ill have to wait... BUT I FUCKING HATE MY HAIR!!!!
Yeah...we all did, until you can tie it back. But word of advice.....never under cut it. I did cuz my hair is really thick and it thinnned it out. But once it gets to a certain point the undercut just gets annoying.