New mix im happy with, but need guidance on a couple things..

xClayman -31-

Sep 2, 2009

Im pretty happy with this mix for the most part. What im wondering though, is how my kick and snare got so buried that they are nearly nonexistant. I made space for EVERYTHING EQ wise (perhaps not enough?) The only compression done was about -4db of limiting. There was still minor pumping, which I would like to know how to somewhat get rid of, while still getting a loud/consistant mix. What could i do to unbury the snare and kick, besides mix them louder? (which were very loud to begin with)
Guitars are too thick compared to the drums. You definitely haven't limited/clipped your drums enough. Your drums should be punching through your mix, with your guitars sitting a bit below them. Start over with your drums and bass, and then get the guitars in there.
Well I was lookin at my Frequency analyzer and the guitars were lackign a shitton of lowend/lowmids so i added some. So i should just compress my snare and kick or do the whole kit?
Frequency analyzers are not your friend (yet). Use your EARS to see what works or doesn't work. Find a pair of speakers/phones you trust and know, mix on them, A/B to professional mixes.

Compress each drum individually. You'll want to compress and limit it. Killswitch Engage's drums don't have much dynamics. Worry about the sound first.