New mix of my latest work

Mix is great man! It's so loud! I love it. My only issue is the clean vocals are overbearing for me. But really, everything else sounds insanely clean.
Mix is great man! It's so loud! I love it. My only issue is the clean vocals are overbearing for me. But really, everything else sounds insanely clean.


Also this mix sounds a little bass deficient to me. I know the bass is this genre is supposed to ride well below the guitars, but I dont hear it.

Cool special effects. I would also let the gate ride a little longer on those staccato palms, the cut off is a little abrupt. (This killed me on the Born of Osiris album, as well as the miserable muddy guitar tones).
Great work Joey, I loved the tight palm mute muting, despite what lolzgreg said. I agree that the clean vocals might be a bit too high in the mix though, but it doesn't really detract from it. I like the special effects at the end as well. :D


Also this mix sounds a little bass deficient to me. I know the bass is this genre is supposed to ride well below the guitars, but I dont hear it.

Cool special effects. I would also let the gate ride a little longer on those staccato palms, the cut off is a little abrupt. (This killed me on the Born of Osiris album, as well as the miserable muddy guitar tones).

palm mutes are bounced, so thats done with

everyone says that about my mixes, i guess i just dont like too much bass, its not my style. i can hear it in my car, almost over the guitars (and im talking about mid range more so than low end here).

but the low end sounds right to me, like my past mixes...

its drop c so maybe you're searching for the low end from drop b or something...
love this!!!!!!!
I can hear the bass perfect, with laptop speakers:)
It´s not that muddy metal bass. It´s an aggressive HC sounding Bass.
It kicks ass in the "mosh" parts...

clean vox are tooooo loud

but great shit man
I love the singing part! I must ask what kind of verb and delays your using because I have been after this sound and just keep falling on my face. I read your post about the doubler and Ive tried it but my vocals still sound dry and not as pro.

About the overall mix....

Sounds great as did the other one mix and i think there is plenty of bass guitar in there.
I love the singing part! I must ask what kind of verb and delays your using because I have been after this sound and just keep falling on my face. I read your post about the doubler and Ive tried it but my vocals still sound dry and not as pro.

About the overall mix....

Sounds great as did the other one mix and i think there is plenty of bass guitar in there.

seriously just using nuendo's reverb A and Mod Delay ^_^
Hail the king baby....That's sweet as shit.....YEah dude i think your bass is spot on. IT just like in other professional mix the bass is low But It's there...If you were to mute the bass on the track , you would really tell how much it is there..

The amateur in me always mixes the bass so high in the mix so i can hear everything....In some cases that's cool but i'm not doing chilli pepper music..

any extra tips how you get that bass so there but not? if that makes since..

you can make a person go mad listening to your clean crisp great recording's...but it also makes me want to work harder and I like that....cheers

Also I don't usually comment on cymbals but these sound great
This mix is excellent The guitars are nice and thick and the vocals sit really well with everything. There is enough bass to get some low end but not so much as to cover up the guitar. My only complaint is that the beginning drum intro is screaming drum machine. I cant get over how tight everything is played....... or edited :lol:

On second listen the clean vocals maybe a bit ess'y
thanks for all the criticism, i think i've gotten the mix where i want it

these mixes of course didnt have final effects but, i only post tone mix

grab this cd if you like the material!
somebody knows what amp/cab joey used in this album?
it´s his common diamondplate, treadplate, condenser?
or he used another amp like big bottom?

This is actually probably the fist mix where I can sorta tell the drums have went through a sequencer, They sound very close to A Plea for Purging's kit you used, which I honestly think that mix was amazing,All in all good as usual bro I do miss how you use to full mic record guitars and drum I think my band was one of the few left that got to before you switched it up ( Kiss The Gunner ).

As for Joey's Guitar TACT lol what ever the fuck that is lol.

He prob just does the same I do fiddles around till it sounds good and their you go God Bless Line 6 ha.
yea joey sounds great.
you made a thread a while back about buying the newer POD (i believe). Did that change anything for you as far as what amps you use or your approach to getting a tone, or more so just an update? Your tone sounds pretty signature at this point... which is not bad by any means.
Basically, hows the new POD working out for you? lol