New Neurosis song posted

I dunno, do you also hate Isis? I liked neurosis before I'd heard Isis, so I guess if you were familiar with Isis you'd probably think of Neurosis as a more boring version of Isis with less melody. I like Neurosis more cause they just have this truly apocalyptic scorched earth thing going with basically ever song they've ever written (their singer sounds like he's seen hell), and their music was pretty wildly original before every single heavy postrock band on the fucking planet ripped them off shamelessly. I'd say listen to "A Sun that Never Sets" and "Through Silver in Blood" for a decent brief overview of their career and if you still think they suck then whatever. They're definitely not for everyone, and their music definitely isn't particularly intricate or complex, there's just something primal about it that deeply appeals to me. Something about the ultra sludgey and heavy guitars with the tribal drumming and the positively tortured screaming just...WORKS.
Isis is one of my favourite heavy bands atm, they are great. Neurosis is boring and annoys me, the riffs sound lame and redundant, instead of emotional or hypnotic(usually the qualities that i look for in the genre of music they play)...the half-assed shouts make me feel sleepy tbh. well you explained why you like them but they are just not for me.
Isis is one of my favourite heavy bands atm, they are great. Neurosis is boring and annoys me, the riffs sound lame and redundant, instead of emotional or hypnotic(usually the qualities that i look for in the genre of music they play)...the half-assed shouts make me feel sleepy tbh. well you explained why you like them but they are just not for me.

Isis really did rip off neurosis to an absolutely obscene degree (a lot of their heavy songs are practically identical with some proggy stuff going on, the vocals are basically the same, the drumming was darn near identical before he started apeing danny carey on the new one, etc), but like I said, if you got into them first you're probably ruined on neurosis, since Isis is much more interesting and diverse musically. Neurosis just created the sound and imo have an entirely different mood, one of scorched earth and tortured dudes and stuff, and I like it a lot. I won't argue with you or anything cause I'd probably hate neurosis if I was already into Isis first too. ^_^
I agree that Neurosis and Isis have different moods. Isis have those relaxing atmospheric sections...while Neurosis' music is just plain "hopeless" and, as already said, apocalyptic. Listen to Through Silver In Blood, that's some intense shit
Isis owe more to Godflesh then Neurosis, at least on the early stuff when they were creating their sound.
No. Just, no. Go back to Mosquito and Red Sea and tell me it's not a Neurosis carbon copy...come on.

Obviously, how one can put ISIS over Neurosis is just beyond me. And don't get me wrong. I love ISIS (I own all their albums), I really do, but they can only dream of capturing Neurosis' intensity.
I agree. Old Isis borrows more than a little from Neurosis (and doesn't pull it off nearly as well). After SGNL>05 they went on to develop their own sound. I love both bands, but to me Neurosis are still the kings of this type of music. The past few years there have been a ton of bands coming out with this style but none seem to be doing it with the consistency of Neurosis.

To be fair it took me ages to really like Neurosis much at all. Five years ago or so I downloaded a few of their albums after seeing so much praise for them from everyone and it took me well over a year before I even remotely started appreciating them at all (just giving them a listen every now and then). And now they have grown to be one of my favourite and most well respected bands. That's not to say this will work for everyone, but if you only listened to them for a little while you might just want to give it some more time.

And if not there's always still Isis.
No. Just, no. Go back to Mosquito and Red Sea and tell me it's not a Neurosis carbon copy...come on.

Obviously, how one can put ISIS over Neurosis is just beyond me. And don't get me wrong. I love ISIS (I own all their albums), I really do, but they can only dream of capturing Neurosis' intensity.

Obviously they took a lot from Neurosis, but I'd say Red Sea is leaning much more towards Godflesh worship. I think throughout the years its gone both ways though, it seems to me that Neurosis has definitely been influenced by Isis in recent years. I do think Isis has seperated from all the "Neurosis worship" long ago, especially with the last couple albums.
Obviously they took a lot from Neurosis, but I'd say Red Sea is leaning much more towards Godflesh worship. I think throughout the years its gone both ways though, it seems to me that Neurosis has definitely been influenced by Isis in recent years. I do think Isis has seperated from all the "Neurosis worship" long ago, especially with the last couple albums.
Neurosis hasn't been influenced by Isis. Seriously. With A Sun That Never Sets, Neurosis favoured a more contemplative, reflective approach over their usual apocalyptic bone crushing one. Isis took that direction with Oceanic too. Couple of years later, Neurosis release The Eye of Every Storm in which they decided to focus more on instrumentation and clean vocals. Again, Isis followed the same path with Panopticon.

However, I do think that Isis peaked with Oceanic and Panopticon; both are truly astonishing records. I'm certainly NOT stating that those are Neurosis rip-offs, only that they followed the same direction. Isis make their own brand of "post-metal" and they have my respect for that.
I just want to chime and in and give a big "wtf" to whoever said Neurosis has been influenced by Isis. Neurosis is leagues better (this coming from an Isis fan).