New Nevermore photos from the L.A. show!!!


Black has been out more than 15+ yrs...

loomis in trackie pants what a laugh.

black was and always be in!
Mr. Dane, you know the quality: Candlemass :headbang:
(Warrel is sligtly taking over the looks of ZZ Top in general... :err: )

thank you, Steph.


You are correct in assuming I have no life. Thank you.

if that really is you, why would you say that? I mean, all people look like that in Nevermore (which ever) concerts...
say what? That I have no life? I was kidding about having the time to actually go and pick myself out of a photo from a show, lol....:)
LOL I don't have a life when I'm at work, wanted to say, which prooves my presence at this forum on daily basis. hehe
Cause you look thinner inthe face from our last photo....your hair colour does not suit you....
Smile - your future hubby will enjoy that.
I do smile, laugh, grin, rarely in pics though. well, I'm generally.... thin, I guess.... says Neverlady.... and people...
which hair colour would you recommend?
Hair colour black with blonde streaks, would match your ivory dear.
have fun!!!

You have been busy posting today haven't yo........
LOL yes, I'm out in exactly one minute, working day is over, and I only had two translations to do, read: nothing...
as for the hair, thanks for the recommendation, I just got back from the blond (ugly) to dark red. it used to be black only and lo-ho-hong. phuu... this pic was taken on March 24th last year, on the highway to Vienna, leading me to Nevermore concert, so.... have a nice day.... night, actually. ;)
Sorry Ms. Anth... I was being lame and stayed in town for the Aerosmith show at the Hollywood bowl.