new nose

7thSon said:
apparently my sinus's were fucked
so i had reconsructive surgery to correct them
only cost 18000.00 :hotjump: :headbang:
Holy Crap! Is insurance going to cover all of that? You could go buy a new car with that kinda money!

..and more importantly, did the surgery change your singing voice at all?
Dunno where you are in the healing process man, but hope everything goes well.
rabies said:
Holy Crap! Is insurance going to cover all of that? You could go buy a new car with that kinda money!

..and more importantly, did the surgery change your singing voice at all?
Dunno where you are in the healing process man, but hope everything goes well.
yes insurance is covering most.
and yes i can breath alot better and hold notes a bit longer
my sinus are so open now that when hit some holford and diamond high notes my eye balls viberate haha no shit! :OMG:
7thSon said:
yes insurance is covering most.
and yes i can breath alot better and hold notes a bit longer
my sinus are so open now that when hit some holford and diamond high notes my eye balls viberate haha no shit! :OMG:
Haha, I used to get that "vibration" while singing backgrounds too... my sinuses are terrible... and I'd end up sneezing into the mic, haha.

Oh, and HI ALL! :cool: