New Paradise Lost

i really like this album. it's much better than the previous ones, in every aspect. i gave up this band after the last weak releases but this one surprised me a lot. i think it's clearly their best one since 'Draconian Times'
Believe In Nothing their best album? i'm sorry but its not. :p

(one could say it is their worst, but lets just say it is not their best)

One Second is their best imo.

did listen to the new one, didnt like it. i prefer Symbol Of Life to both last two albums
Compared with the last self titled "Paradise Lost", the new one is WAY better! Both "In Requiem" and "Symbol of Life" are equally good. "In Requiem" has the bonus that it's newer, but the myspace stream lacks of sound quality (of course). No really weak tracks - this album is/will be definitly a grower.
I enjoy this new one immensely. Love the sound and the vocals. I'm sure I will listen to it straight on for a month and a half and revisit it in 5 years. :)
It's funny, they've managed somehow to recapture at least part of the old sound, but unfortunately the compositions are still rather dull. Nick even sings in his old style in a few places, which is surprising. I would say 4 really good tracks and the rest is seems they are trying, but if they tried harder this could have been a really good cd.
I love the new PL
It's heavier than the s/t album and it has some pretty catchy solos
and they have really improved on the lyrics.

my favorite tracks are
Never for the damned
Ash & Debris
Beneath Black Skies
Sedative God
Your Own Reality

they're definitely heading in a good direction.
i can't wait to see them later this year =)
I love the new one. I finally heard it in its entirety today, and I'm really impressed. My alltime favorite is Symbol Of Life, but this one is still really good.
For me believe in nothing is by far their best cd, and I don't see them ever topping it. :headbang:

You have lost all credibility with this post, i'm sorry.
I've listened to the new album twice all the way through and it really isn't that much different than the last album. Some great parts but nothing mind blowing. Then again, i'm listening to it on shitty computer speakers. Once i have the ltd. cd and vinyl box in my hand and listening to it on my stereo, i'll be able to make a better judgment
on first listen this one sounds like a step down from the self-titled. not very captivating really. at least the last one had the superb "over the madness", but these are a little run-of-the-mill. i'll have to listen to it more. so far i only like "the enemy".

i like paradise lost a lot. shades of god, icon, one second and host are my favorites, i guess.
i fell in love with the album the 5th time i heard it
The first 4 times i listened to it i was just playing the album in the background and not really paying attention.
I have now listened to the album at least 25 times in the past month :D
on first listen this one sounds like a step down from the self-titled. not very captivating really. at least the last one had the superb "over the madness", but these are a little run-of-the-mill. i'll have to listen to it more. so far i only like "the enemy".

i like paradise lost a lot. shades of god, icon, one second and host are my favorites, i guess.

are you serious? imho, the new one is a huge improvement compared with the self titled. it's the first PL album i really like since 'Draconian Times' and i almost had to force myself to give them another try. now i'm glad i did it. comparing 'In Requiem' to 'Paradise Lost' or the few ones before is almost like comparing 'Tonight's Decision' with the Monokromia garbage...ok, not that drastic, but almost ;-)
it's clear 'Gothic' will stay the unmatched masterpiece, but i think i can place the new one quite near the standards of 'Draconian Times' , 'Icon' or 'Shades Of God'