new peavey family member


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
Yeah, the store just gave me a call that my 6505 arrived today, can't await to go there and get it.

now my amplist is:

Peavey 6505
Marshall JMP 2203
Mesa Recto Pre
Mesa Studio Pre
Subcutane Signature Pre
3.666 ADA MP-1
Mesa 295 Simulclass Poweramp
Roldand JC-120


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Hey, I wrote it correctly in the topic, isn't that something at least ;)

btw, how do the 6505 go with standard marshall cabs (those JCM1960)?
I've got 2 or 3 Bands to reamp within the next days and only that cab in the studio (otherwise I'd have to get my v30 loaded Engl out of our rehearsal-space again).
usually I like the Engl-cab better with most amps, but I've never tried the 6505 before, so I thought you guys might be able to tell me what you think about the 6505/marshall-cab - Match or tell me to just get that frickin 54kG cab out of the rehearsalroom again and into the studio.

try it with the Marshall cab, then take the amp to the rehersal room and try that cab. I'm sure the amps a bit lighter than the cab haha.
I like my 6505's with V30's, but it doesn't sound too bad with a Mashall cab, especially for the thrashier stuff.
I'm sure the amps a bit lighter than the cab haha.

Hahaha - not by much! :lol:

Peavey makes great sounding amps, but goddamn are they heavy! My JSX weighs 60 pounds, and my 5150 weighed 55!

Lasse, Matt Smith posted some samples of a 6505+ through a 1960A cabinet, mixed with a Recto + Recto cabinet - it sounded great!

The G12T75's aren't THAT bad. I much prefer V30's, but I could work with the G12's. I find them to work better with the dual 57 'Fredman' technique rather than a single 57, like I usually do.
Lucky me, just opened the amp... and see what tubes this babe came stock with.

Ruby 6L6GCM-STR (which are Shuguang) for the poweramp and JJ83s in the preamp ('cept for v4 which is Sovtek LPS).
So no urgent need to shell out money for new tube, since this is pretty much what I would have equipped the Peavey with anyways.
I probably am just gonna replace v1 with chinese and put the JJ that's in v1 now in v4 to get rid of the Sovtek.

Hell Yeah, lucky me.

now all I gotta do it put a bias-pot in it, the mini-trim and resistor is already ordered ;)
Your peavey came with JJ's in it? I thought the company had beef with JJ and refused to use their tubes anymore?
yeah, AND it was biased hotter than most stock 6505 (28mA) was a bit confused about that, too...
was a brand new head though, it came directly from the Musikmesse, I spose they wanted it to sound good at their booth there )