New pedal day! Very Tone Dog and Maxon OD via JCM800 thrash clip


Jun 3, 2006
Just got a new pedal today, and got a Maxon OD on Sat so I thought I would slam the crap out of the front end of my JCM800 50 watter and record it.

It is 2 tracks left and right and a bass (Sm75 and Studio Project pre EMG85)

The Tone Dog is used as a clean boost, the Maxon to give it some oomph and really OD it.
Looks like Isotope put some reverb on there for me. That was nice of it. The bass is a little wooly too.

Listening in work, looks like it needs a bit more mids, reverb removed and the bass a bit more clanky.

But def has potential with some tweaking. :erk:

It is standard E tuned. I like how I am single string chugging on the open a string and it does not sound tinny.