New person coming


Alas, Tyranny
Nov 15, 2006
Athens, GA
Hey everyone! I'm a new guy showing up thanks to the ProgPowerUSA website. I just found out about the festival recently and am highly interested in going next year if I can manage to get tickets in time...

Anyway, I'm 18 years old, been playing guitar for 2.5 years. I've got an ESP Edwards Forest GT in white with white EMGs, an Agile Hornet, Agile Interceptor 7 string, and a Line 6 HD147 through an Avatar 4x12 with CL80s.

Here are some links to gear pics for you gear heads :D

Agile Hornet

Agile Hornet, full shot

Domination shot of my halfstack

My PA speakers

Domination shot of my Edwards

Other view of my Edwards

Agile Interceptor

Close up on the INterceptor

Shot of my rig ~8 months ago

Anyway thats all my guitar stuff ( Not trying to show off or brag, I just know that I and other guitar heads love seeing other peoples stuff )

I'm in a band, Sacrosanct. We're growing pretty fast, only been around as a band for about 6 months now, and we've got a relatively decent fanbase so far ( Our Myspace is if you want to check us out ). If you like In Flames, Children of Bodom, Dragonforce, or Pantera, you -should- like our music ( if you don't then you might want to see a doctor :p )

My favorite types of metal are melodic metal closely followed by brutal death metal. Vital Remains and In Flames are my two favorite bands ( Dechristianize and Clayman FTW ).

Sorry for the long ass intro but at least now you know me! I hail from the ESP Guitars message board

EDIT: Here's a photo of me: Me rocking out on stage