New possible Earth-like planet

the problem for us abou this planet is the fact that gravity there is twice as strong as on earth and that it's 20 light years away and that there are no pigs on the planet so we can forget about bacon
it's possible that the planet and its sun relate to each other like moon and earth, so that one side of the planet is always enlighted by the sun and the other one not. then there would be only one small strip on which it is comfortable to live on for one side is burning hot and the other side is bitterly cold.
If there were some form of life on that planet, similar to humans. I wonder if they'll like Vintersorg! :D

This should be taken as a scientific test :

Go to random worlds in the universe, play Vintersorg records as loud as can be, sit there and wait.

Anything that comes around banging its head is to be considered intelligent life.

This should be taken as a scientific test :

Go to random worlds in the universe, play Vintersorg records as loud as can be, sit there and wait.

Anything that comes around banging its head is to be considered intelligent life.


That's an experiment that could be made on Earth aswell.:lol:
right now I'm picturing Mr V. saying "you take the chikiboo and the sleecy slicey knifey..." and the frightened muppet chicken lays an egg...

Mr V. should totally be a guest host of the muppet show
If their is "intelligent" :)Smug:) life on that planet...I hope they enslave half of our population :kickass: