New possible spins on upcoming Opeth record...


I like pie.
Jan 9, 2002
Southern California
Well things are pretty boring here lately, aside from some disgruntled, people who want to turn this into a degenerate old fart version of west side story lately. But i figured id start an honest thread about what everyone here would like to see on the upcoming Opeth album. Maybe some changes? Some improvements? Some new styles, or maybe just further exploration of older styles, etc. I know a lot of you were dissapointed with GR, and some of you thought it was great. Heres a chance for everyone to voice exactly why they felt either way...and maybe some suggestions as to what they thought could have been done better or what they want to see the next go around. Discuss...if youd like.

I personally thought GR was a big step in the right direction, but panned out to be "getting their feet wet" with some new ideas...that they could definitely refine and build on with more sincerity and meditation the next go around. Id like to see some more experimentation of all kinds. Sound manipulation, spacey atmospheres even. I wouldnt mind seeing some interesting voice affects in the future too, it would just add another level of depth and interesting flavor. And more instrumentation of ANY kind. Maybe some mandolin, some theremin, some moogs might even be nice if done right. With Per at their disposal, it kicks open a whole new world of possibilities, and i think there is very little holding them back from being the most interesting band in metal today (not that they arent already in most respects). If i were the band, i would do anything/everything i could...the sky is the limit, and they have the world wrapped around their finger...nothing should stop them.
I agree with a lot of what you said nfu- especially regarding instrumentation. I'd personally hope the new cd isn't as overproduced as GR (in terms of quantizing and auto-tune etc), and I'd like to hear more lush big SW-style harmonies, which I missed on GR. A purely instrumental track with a lot of dynamic changes could be nice (unlike their previous 'instrumentals'- for absent friends, patterns in the ivy, ending credits etc). Whatever happens I have a lot of hope for the new album.
I'd like to see more instrumentation as well. For those who saw Closure live or heard it as it was performed at the Chronology shows... I'd like to see more of that fit into their songs. I'd be amazed to hear a brutal death mtal song progress into a beautifully crafted psychadelic prog phase, then back again, or whatever else they want.
shorter songs .... except for hours of wealth, atonement and isolation years i think all songs of GR are too long. this is especially noticable in grand conjuration and harlequin forest (this song starts so amazing but after the first growl section it has lots of lenghty parts). i'd also prefer more 'despair' on the new record. too much major key stuff on GR imo ... it doesnt suit opeth as good as the minor key stuff =D. i'd like to hear more ' minimalistic' clean parts too ... but i dunno how to phrase that correctly ...
My main problem with GR was that it was extremely repeatative, and very lengthy sections of songs that, in my opinion, weren't very good. For example the beginning of Beneath The Mire. It might have been okay if it was only thirty seconds, but it was like a minute and 45 seconds.

I also hope that their next album will have some of the same elements as Orchid and Morningrise. Maybe Axenrot's drumming will bring something to the next album that we've never heard in an Opeth album.
I'm very excited to see what they have in store for us next.

Edit: Thanks NFU for making a thread that's actually worth posting in.
I'll think more about this later, but my gut feeling is similar to that of NFU. I'd LOVE to see Opeth have greater diversity and layers in their instrumentation. There are lots of keyboard and organ sounds that are more subtle than the ones on GR, and these would be good to see. And, as a personal thing... I like string sections, so a song with that would please me. Very un-metal, I know :p
GR feels alot like a transition album, despite not having album 9 yet. I thought ghost of perdition was a phenominal track, as was baying of the hounds, but the rest seemed more like opeth showing little parts of what might become the norm for their next few records. (hopefully this will not include another grand conjuration), I see things getting better, I wasnt blown away by GR but it hasnt completely let me down. Deliverance was basically a heavier BWP so GR at least shows that opeth are versatile and are going to change. Next album I hope will be proggy whilst inkeeping with the still life-esque song structure evident on 'Ghost Of Perdition'.
i personally think them keeping any mindset of previous albums would be a fault. they should pretend like this is their debut album...only utilizing their experience, knowledge and newest additions (i.e. instruments and musicians) as any sort of basis of reference. something completely new and exciting is what im looking forward to. not a still life part 2 with mellotron.
I'm not saying still life part 2 (if you're responding to my post), I just liked the structure of GOP which was very SL-esque imo. A return to that sound now would be too drastic and wouldnt work with keys. The proggy feel of GR will hopefully be accelerated and put into better use in the next album.
- appropriate song lengths, don't force it

- less clean vocs + rely less on vocals overall

- LESS repetition

- lose the mellow shit, doesn't fit imo on something non-damnation

Just be more bold really, don't worry about how many records you'll sell.