New possible spins on upcoming Opeth record...

DietCoke said:
Seriously. Since they've done that since their first album.

I think he means stuff like Isolation Years. Damnation style mellow tracks, as opposed to To Bid You Farewell style stuff.
be sure to ripoff tool more and stick to the exact same song structure they've used since still life.
The addition of some exotic instruments would rule indeed, maybe some world music influence, like the type that Tea Party incorporates or something.
Ghost Reveries was fucking bombastic and ruled, and was more proggy than the previous records, the only flaws were some repetitive parts here and there, even though i really like the whole, i want the next album to be more ''trippy'', experimental, but still damn heavy...and darker, with less repetition.
Scarlett Letterman said:
- appropriate song lengths, don't force it

- less clean vocs + rely less on vocals overall

- LESS repetition

- lose the mellow shit, doesn't fit imo on something non-damnation

Just be more bold really, don't worry about how many records you'll sell.

i know i started the thread. and asked for everyones suggestions, no matter what they were. but good god man, are you mental? that would reduce them to being a pretty straightforward death metal band. terrible ideas really.
- ease up on the keys, use them more sparingly
- put more emphasis on guitarwork (like the previous albums)

and is it just me or did opeth (excuse the lameness) "lose its magic" with GR? theres just something about still life/mayh/morningrise (and some of BWP) that i love so much, that GR seems to lack.
metal_wrath said:
Hours of Wealth Part 2.

Concept Album.

No Orchestra.

More Repetitive Parts.

Harmonies ffs.

Get Swano back!

Get Swano back? holy shit wtf, is it a poor joke attempt or something? stop sniffin' glue for your own good holy shit...
Id like to see Per utilised less for sound effects and more for just a straight piano tone, like the intro to A Fair Judgement. He wouldnt play a major role but would be playing in most parts to back it up. This I think would give it a more...antique fee? Dunno if thats the word im after.

Id also liketo see Mike have another crack at a concept album, but in a totally different vein to SL or MAYH.
fizz6207 said:
Id like to see Per utilised less for sound effects and more for just a straight piano tone, like the intro to A Fair Judgement. He wouldnt play a major role but would be playing in most parts to back it up.

good idea
Things that Opeth could (not necessarily should) do :

. A classic prog rock track (15/20 minutes) with no growls at all, no metal riffs ( rock or hard rocks riffs are allowed) a la 2112 with I,II,II,iV parts etc with a 6 minutes Andy Latimer meets Davis Gilmour type guitar solo that sends you into the stratosphere of heaven !!!

. A Full on EVIL Black Metal track that would start again church burnings in Norway !!!

. I suscribe to NFU's idea of a metal song with clean singing during the metal riffing + shredding solos ( I know they can do it !) : Invite Jeff Loomis to the party !!!

. A Jazz Rock break could be cool ( I would have love this with Lopez with a little drum solo/ break !)

. A Ramones Cover ... Maybe... I wanna Sniff some Glue !

. A bluesy Hard Rock song a la early Whitesnake !

. A 10 minutes instrumental a la Call Of Ktulu/ Orion/ To Live is to Die ( we know how important that track was in the developpement of the Opeth sound)

. David Botrill behind the nobs

. A stadium World tour
Death_To_False_Metal said:
Things that Opteth could (not necessarily should) do :

. A classic prog rock track (15/20 minutes) with no growls at all, no metal riffs ( rock or hard rocks riffs are allowed) a la 2112 with I,II,II,iV parts etc with a 6 minutes Andy Latimer meets Davis Gilmour type guitar solo that sends you into the stratosphere of heaven !!!

. A Full on EVIL Black Metal track that would start again church burnings in Norway !!!

. I suscribe to NFU's idea of a metal song with clean singing during the metal riffing + shredding solos ( I know they can do it !) : Invite Jeff Loomis to the party !!!

. A Jazz Rock break could be cool ( I would have love this with Lopez with a little drum solo/ break !)

. A Ramones Cover ... Maybe... I wanna Sniff some Glue !

. A bluesy Hard Rock song a la early Whitesnake !

. A 10 minutes instrumental a la Call Of Ktulu/ Orion/ To Live is to Die ( we know how important that track was in the developpement of the Opeth sound)

. David Botrill behind the nobs

. A stadium World tour

i'd like some strings... amazing melodies created with strings and atmospheres like those created by sigur rós... sad, but still uplifting in some way. I think Opeth can add those ideas to their music and make it much better.
i aint play this said:
Get Swano back? holy shit wtf, is it a poor joke attempt or something? stop sniffin' glue for your own good holy shit...
As in "Get Swano back behind the boards" or even better get Nordstrom who produced MAYH. Maybe I'm the only one who doesn't favor Steven Wilson's contributions, I think that Opeth lost something in their style when they gained more 'prog' influences and started using some of the new sounds beginning with Blackwater Park.
NineFeetUnderground said:
or him clean sing through a whole song which isnt a ballad or mellow track.

Well, considering Harlequin Forest comes close to this (minus the two growl sections...and typical Opeth mellow section) i think it is very possible that this will happen either on the new album, or some future release by Opeth either way. If you take this as a 'getting their feet wet' (as you say) kind of appraoch, it only seems natural that theyd make another step in this direction...whether wholeheartedly, or lessening up on them even more. GR did have the most clean vocals of any album (bar damnation) thus far, including heavy songs.

I'd like to hear the same thing though...with the development of Akerfeldt's clean vocals to the point they are now, i think hearing a 'heavy' song with all clean vocals would be quite nice.

Some more atmospheric/keyboard/piano sections would be a nice section. If they were going to do another ballad type song (which is think is obvious they will) I feel Per should be utilized far more in this sense... I guess you could say Silhouette-esque...except nothing that...'abstract' :erk: Much more smooth, mellow. Alot of peopel think Per was too obvious on the new record, i think he wasn;t used enough/effectively enough...though i love his contributions, i know he can bring alot more than what he did.