New possible spins on upcoming Opeth record...

At first I was going to post my predictions for the band's next album, but then I stopped and pondered exactly what it was about Opeth that made them my favourite band.

I discovered that it's not their inventive riffs, beautiful dynamics or anything else that characterised Opeth and sets them apart. It was actually the fact that they never produce the same album twice - and don't let trends, record labels, producers, money or any of the potential pitfalls of the music industry influence their work.

As abcdefg said, I think we should all just drop our expectations and just trust Mike and the gang to continue making excellent music as they always have.
Scarlett Letterman said:
- appropriate song lengths, don't force it

- less clean vocs + rely less on vocals overall

- LESS repetition

- lose the mellow shit, doesn't fit imo on something non-damnation

Just be more bold really, don't worry about how many records you'll sell.

^Well, listen fucktards, this is not the Morbid Angel/Bloodbath forum, if you don't have any idea of what Opeth's music is about, stop giving shit suggestions ok? thank you.
i aint play this said:
^Well, listen fucktards, this is not the Morbid Angel/Bloodbath forum, if you don't have any idea of what Opeth's music is about, stop giving shit suggestions ok? thank you.

everyone's entitled to their own opinions, dick head! :u-huh:
I would like to see more of the improv stuff like they did with closure. Also maybe go back to the gloom (best way I could describe it) of Still Life. So continue the direction that they are heading but bring back the Gloom and haunting feeling that was all over Still Life.
The Poona of Peshwa said:
That would bring to a close the only worthwhile thread in recent memory tho.

Quite true... I've gotta say, before a couple of select members started throwing shit, I was having a hard time believing that this was the UM Opeth forum.

If anything, I would really enjoy some more jazz/prog influence brought back into Opeth's music, ala King Crimson, Camel etc.
opeth should do something like starless and bible black, it would be pwn