New possible spins on upcoming Opeth record...

saut said:
opeth should do something like starless and bible black, it would be pwn

I've had that song on repeat all morning, coincidentally.
What about letting the other guys write some full songs? I know Mikael is very "picky" as to what song can be worth of an "Opeth song". But seriously, I know all these guys are talented and giving them the freedom to write some songs can help Opeth evolve.
worldwide_suicide said:
What about letting the other guys write some full songs? I know Mikael is very "picky" as to what song can be worth of an "Opeth song". But seriously, I know all these guys are talented and giving them the freedom to write some songs can help Opeth evolve.
NineFeetUnderground said:
i know i started the thread. and asked for everyones suggestions, no matter what they were. but good god man, are you mental? that would reduce them to being a pretty straightforward death metal band. terrible ideas really.

What i meant really was just a return to their grassroots morningrise/orchid days.
hibernal_dream said:
Pls don't lump Morbid Angel together with Bloodbath.

What's wrong with Morbid Angel.

And back on topic I think that Morningrise and Orchid were their best albums but they're never going to return to that style because there are only two members of the band left from that era.
Plus it's good that they are moving in another direction and not stuck in the same style on every album that would just get boring after a while.
extolfan said:
I thought they were a death metal seems as though you want them to turn in the growls and become the Backstreet Boys :eek:

yea...thats exactly what i wanted. good call.

and good job with the suggestions on how to turn them into cannibal corpse.
Good god, this WAS a good thread.....

Anyway I really hope they DONT 'go back' to morningrise/orchid days, because that's not what I personally love about Opeth's music. I hope SW returns.
theres not much creativity in the style of the early Opeth albums. the way it was done, it was just piecing riffs together loosely for 10-20 minutes. i think their more refined, meditated and creative approach could be much more fruitfull and enjoyable overall.

do we really want a band as established and talented as Opeth playing stuff that sounds like most shitty up and coming swedish melodeath/folk bands are doing? i dont think so. if you probably like those bands.

edit: one thing i would like to see from Opeth, is maybe a very long track...but one which does have a purpose other than meandering and perhaps a recurring theme througout which leads to a crescendo and climax OF that theme at the end. and perhaps a handful of shorter length songs which all have a distinctly different personality of their own. Similar to the 2112 album layout for instance.
Metalloid said:

banjo is an instrument that almost never gets used in metal. understandably so, its extremely specific sounding and because of that, bares a stigma and atmosphere which directly correlates with the southern united states. which is a shame too...Sixteen Horsepower for instance have made the banjo an extremely dark and rewarding instrument, not just a cliched hillbilly sound.
I told you so, they need to do their Rush/Yes thing, their magum opus prog masterpiece !


Running Time : 25:47

Fill in The Blanks !

And as much as I like Orchid and Morningrise, they scream too much 'collage' for their own good !
Larsson said:
I hope they will something different for a change. Im talking about the song structure. why not an album with short songs?

I dont think they will have short songs. If they tried to do short songs it would sound like the song is unfinished.

I know people who critisize the song length saying they could make a better song with 5mins and not 10. However, I don't think that would be the case. Besides, the songs on Damnation are shorter than usual.

I don't want to see an Opeth album with shorter songs. Long songs are their trademark haha.
NineFeetUnderground said:
banjo is an instrument that almost never gets used in metal. understandably so, its extremely specific sounding and because of that, bares a stigma and atmosphere which directly correlates with the southern united states. which is a shame too...Sixteen Horsepower for instance have made the banjo an extremely dark and rewarding instrument, not just a cliched hillbilly sound.

They should try a Digeredoo. It could work well.