New Powerball


So why not moving?
Dec 20, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
Not sure if this has been posted earlier here, but after I saw a fireball sample, I decided to look into Engl's site and in the news, there's this:

UPDATED ENGL E 645 Powerball Head

We would like to announce some improvements and small changes on the Powerball head. They were done as a result of constant R&D for our products to give the amps improvements to preserve their tone.

First, ENGL developed a new smarter Noise Gate which reacts faster and takes care of the needs of modern Rock Guitar playing.

In conjunction secondly, the gain structure was fine tuned between the high gain channels to make it more robust against feedback issues.

And third, the Treble Control in the Lead Channel was altered from linear to logarithmic curve.

So what does this actually mean for the player?

The successful Powerball sound will remain, you have even the chance to bring out the midrange more, if desired. Just decrease the amount of treble in the Lead Channel and you’ll cut through better. For those who want the regular Powerball sound, just crank the treble control beyond 3o’clock.

Those features compared with a better working Noise Gate should help any guitarist to get his perfect tone.

Update Noise Gate:

-> release time strongly decreased;
-> integration of two High Pass filters;
-> extended Threshold range;

the gate reaction is faster ( cuts off) when you mute the guitar-tone;
higher insensibility against the interference of magnetic fields into the guitar pickup;
clearly stronger cut already very tight below the effective signal level.

Adaptation of the Gain structure in both Lead channels:

new synchronization of passive networks,
refinement of tonal features;
more robust against Feedback properties.

changed characteristic of the Lead channel's Treble control:

-> altered from linear to logarithmic curve;
thus the lower treble range can be tuned precisely;

I am not aware if this is already out, but have any of you tried one of these new heads?
Ahh, the Powerball V2. I haven't played one personally, but I've heard some clips by the guy I bought my Fireball from ( and I really dug it. It had a much more organic vibe than the original Powerball; more of a grindy character and supposedly the updated Noise Gate is fantastic.

Check out the Harmony-Central Amp forum and search for author: DerekB, the clip of the V2 is up there somewhere.


havent played one yet, but I might get my Powerball updated to V2. if I do, I'll let you know

XeS: I have tried the Screamer50 combo, but that was pretty long ago (a year or so) and I didnt try it really extensively, but:
Screamer and Fireball ARE different. I thought of it more as a nice rock-amp, but I also know a guy (from ENGL-forum) who plays oldschool death/grind with a Thunder50 so....
you'll probably have to try it yourself to see if you like it