New Queensryche snippet, thoughts?


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Just saw they signed with Century Media which is interesting.

Apparently this clip debuted over the weekend:

Curious to see the thoughts on it. I don't know if this is the final version, rough mix or what. For me, production is pretty bleh - very muddy and sloppy sounding. Song wise - eh. Not what I was expecting from a band who said Tate had brought their sound down over the years - sounds a bit like more of the same - but I'll be curious to hear more.
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Shows some promise. I'm definitely interested in hearing full record once it comes out. I give it a better than even chance that it will be worthwhile. I give it about a 1 in 10 chance it will fit comfortably with the classic Queensryche legacy they're trying so hard to claim, but after almost 20 years of compromise I've made my peace with that.
Shows some promise. I'm definitely interested in hearing full record once it comes out. I give it a better than even chance that it will be worthwhile. I give it about a 1 in 10 chance it will fit comfortably with the classic Queensryche legacy they're trying so hard to claim, but after almost 20 years of compromise I've made my peace with that.

+1. I guess I'm just glad it doesn't sound like crap.

I wouldn't say that the clip sounds like more of the same from Queensryche. I don't remember anything off of the last four albums sounding like that. The sound quality was a little rough, but I get the impression that the band is holding onto the good stuff until the album is closer to being released. To these ears, so far, so, good.

Stay metal. Never rust.
The problem is, if this doesn't sound like Rage for Order or Operation Mindcrim, then people will goof on it... It seems to be heavier than anything Tate has done in a long time, or the band itself. But again, it's hard to hear by a 1 minute song clip. But yea, Todd absolutely rules in this!!!
The problem is QR has been bad longer than they were good. I approach this with a large dose of skepticism, but...this does sound pretty darn cool to me. Q2K was the biggest dissapointment for me EVER musically. I still don't think I've forgiven them for that but am willing to keep checking samples like this.
I'm not saying it sounds great, but it shows promise. They have a lot to live up to though. I think no matter if it's good or not there are going to be critics.
From my ears and perspective that sounds way better than anything the Ryche has done for years. I look forward to hearing more

The problem is, if this doesn't sound like Rage for Order or Operation Mindcrim, then people will goof on it... It seems to be heavier than anything Tate has done in a long time, or the band itself. But again, it's hard to hear by a 1 minute song clip. But yea, Todd absolutely rules in this!!!

I get where you're coming from with this, but for me personally - while those 2 were amazing albums and doubt they can ever be lived up to - I also loved Empire and Promised Land (although PL took me a bit to "get"). Q2K had a couple decent tunes but after that they lost me.

I'm rooting for a killer album - maybe I just expect to hear something more "musical" from them given the comments that Tate was bringing them down musically.

I'll just cross my fingers :)
No it's not. The youtube description explicitly says it's off the full length.

Todd LaTorre confirmed that it is a demo - see below.

Via Todd LaTorre's Official Facebook Page:

Todd La Torre @Derek Solomon: It is not even final mix let alone mastered. This was something for the fans to hear, that's all. Trust me, Jimbo is a world class engineer, it's all good;)
February 23 at 7:50pm · Like · 31
Glen Drover drives the nail in:

Former MEGADETH and KING DIAMOND guitarist Glen Drover — who left Geoff Tate's version of QUEENSRŸCHE before playing a single show with the band — will join the Todd La Torre-fronted QUEENSRŸCHE on stage this coming Thursday, March 7 at the Phoenix Concert Theatre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada to perform the QUEENSRŸCHE classic "Take Hold Of The Flame".

In a posting on his Twitter account, Glen wrote: "Going up onstage with the REAL QUEENSRŸCHE and play 'Take Hold Of The Flame' this thursday at the Phoenix in Toronto. Going to be fun stuff!"

Drover announced his departure from Geoff Tate's version of QUEENSRŸCHE last November. He explained in a statement: "I am really sorry to say that I have decided to bow out of Geoff Tate's QUEENSRŸCHE. I was very excited about doing this gig initially, but learned in the past week or so that it's in my best interest not to do this right now. I feel really bad for those who were excited about the idea, and to Geoff himself, who, I have to say, was very nice to me on my past trip to Seattle. I, of course, am very disappointed for arriving at this point, and making this decision, to say the least. I sincerely wish the Geoff and the band all the luck on what they do in the future."
In a posting on his Twitter account, Glen wrote: "Going up onstage with the REAL QUEENSRŸCHE and play 'Take Hold Of The Flame' this thursday at the Phoenix in Toronto. Going to be fun stuff!"
Does anyone actually believe that the "real Queensryche" includes neither Tate or DeGarmo?

Honestly, I questioned whether they were still the "real Queensryche" the first time I heard Empire.