New Queensryche snippet, thoughts?

I would not classify LaTorre's vocals as "better" since he and Tate are both strong singers. I'd classify Todd's vocals as "desirable" since he's singing in a style more in line with what Queensryche fans want.
I would not classify LaTorre's vocals as "better" since he and Tate are both strong singers. I'd classify Todd's vocals as "desirable" since he's singing in a style more in line with what Queensryche fans want.

Well, Tate USED to be a strong singer, but on all the recent material I've heard album/and live, he's far from being a strong singer anymore. his range now is very limited. Once he tries to go outside his range, he sounds absolutely awful. I cringe whenever I listen to him try and sing old stuff.
Well, Tate USED to be a strong singer, but on all the recent material I've heard album/and live, he's far from being a strong singer anymore. his range now is very limited. Once he tries to go outside his range, he sounds absolutely awful. I cringe whenever I listen to him try and sing old stuff.

That's funny, because I cringe whenever I hear anything new from him.

Matt, thanks for posting that. It was good for a few laughs. It's also kinda sad. Tate, in his prime, was as good as anybody. We're talking Dio, Dickenson, anybody. To see how far he's fallen would normally be a very depressing sight except he's a fully loaded and rusty tool shed, so it's humorous.

The 2013 QR war will be entertaining, and I look forward to witnessing the carnage.
Matt, thanks for posting that. It was good for a few laughs. It's also kinda sad. Tate, in his prime, was as good as anybody. We're talking Dio, Dickenson, anybody. To see how far he's fallen would normally be a very depressing sight except he's a fully loaded and rusty tool shed, so it's humorous.

The 2013 QR war will be entertaining, and I look forward to witnessing the carnage.

I totally agree, from the EP to Empire, Tate was my absolute favorite vocalist, but sadly the video is the norm now, not an sad to see how far he has fallen
Matt, thanks for posting that. It was good for a few laughs. It's also kinda sad. Tate, in his prime, was as good as anybody. We're talking Dio, Dickenson, anybody. To see how far he's fallen would normally be a very depressing sight except he's a fully loaded and rusty tool shed, so it's humorous.

The 2013 QR war will be entertaining, and I look forward to witnessing the carnage.

and absolutely zero stage energy!!! It almost looks as if he's singing in front of a few friends...It's like as if he's forcing himself to sing it and hating it.....
Wow that's awful!

Actually, I don't think it was awful at all. Geoff Tate may not have the crazy stupid high range like he had 25 YEARS AGO, but the man can still sing. Yeah, he tweaked the verse melody a little to fit his range now, but from what I heard, his pitch was fine. You want awful? Listen to Rob Halford try to sing his old Priest's almost like he can't hear what he's doing. Maybe Queensryche will do great without their iconic singer...who knows?....just like Maiden and Priest did.
Hell, give HALFORD a break. He's about 15 years older than TATE and of all the times I saw PRIEST, only the time I saw them with HEAVEN AND HELL in '08 or '09 did he not sound great. PRIEST did nothing without HALFORD. I liked Ripper with them somewhat, but other than that, the whole situation tanked.
Hell, give HALFORD a break. He's about 15 years older than TATE and of all the times I saw PRIEST, only the time I saw them with HEAVEN AND HELL in '08 or '09 did he not sound great. PRIEST did nothing without HALFORD. I liked Ripper with them somewhat, but other than that, the whole situation tanked.

I love Halford and have the utmost respect for what he's done, but you can't expect these guys who have been touring for 30+ years to be able to sing the same stuff they did when they were young. Even Dio ( THE King...RIP) was showing wear and tear....he couldn't do the higher range stuff he did when he was young, but the man could still SING. That's all I was saying about Tate.
I love Halford and have the utmost respect for what he's done, but you can't expect these guys who have been touring for 30+ years to be able to sing the same stuff they did when they were young. Even Dio ( THE King...RIP) was showing wear and tear....he couldn't do the higher range stuff he did when he was young, but the man could still SING. That's all I was saying about Tate.

Yes, Tate can still sing but his range is much more limited now, and thus it doesn't work with the old stuff.....

What got me is how bad his stage presence has become. If you watch him in that video, he does not seem into it at all. Nobody expects him to jump around like a 20 year old, but he could show a bit more animation and act as if he's enjoying what he's singing......Heck, I'm a couple of years older than him and I can move better, lol.....