New REAL metalcore mix, think mid-90s, not KSE...


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Any comments appreciated, trying to keep it sounding a little raw, not going for the hi-fi modern sound although it's still edging in that direction a bit...

-Drums are all replaced but tried to keep it sounding as real as possible
-Guitars are a Squier Jagstang or something with Duncan Designed PUs into one of the distortion pedal models on my POD X3, out into a Sunn Solarus head into a Mesa 4x12
-Bass is a Squier Jazz or something into POD
-Vocals are SM7 + Decapitator, Decapitator, Decapitator and Decapitator
This sounds rad. Reminds me of Kurt Ballou's work! What samples are you using on the snare and toms?

Haha, thanks, I wish it sounded anywhere near as violent and energetic as Kurt's stuff, dude has a very special touch, wish I could watch him mix something...

Snare is the Slate Black Beauty Deluxe snare, only chose it really because it had a separate TCI for the overheads so I had more control and could get a bit more of a live feel by lowering the close mic'd sample and bringing up the OH and room samples.

Toms are the Sturgis Detuned toms, Kick is LSD NaturalMetal or whatever it is.