New Rush Cd has leaked on torrent site.

I don't do illegal downloading.

I don't care how big the band is.

I don't care how big the label is.

I don't care how likely I am to buy the song/album anyway.

I don't care how unlikely it is that I would be caught and held accountable for my actions.

I don't care how many other people are doing it.

To those who have resisted the magnetic pull of online music theft, hats off to you.

To those who partake...... I'd better not say.
Good Man

Just wait for May 1rst.

I don't do illegal downloading.

I don't care how big the band is.

I don't care how big the label is.

I don't care how likely I am to buy the song/album anyway.

I don't care how unlikely it is that I would be caught and held accountable for my actions.

I don't care how many other people are doing it.

To those who have resisted the magnetic pull of online music theft, hats off to you.

To those who partake...... I'd better not say.

but everything about it being a return to their past might have been a little exaggerated overall.

Why does it have to be a return to the past? So many people want them to be doing a Moving Pictures/Farewell to Kings/Permanent Waves II. It's been done already. I'm not saying I've loved every direction Rush went in over the years, but every album has still produced a few major gems. I'm psyched to buy this tomorrow, as I've heard the samples and am not disappointed so far. Vapor Trails was solid, even if it doesn't compare to the classic era. But I'll happily crank "Secret Touch" and "Freeze" off of that album anytime, and enjoy them nearly as much as say "Natural Science". I would love a few new prog epics from them, but I know that will never happen, and I accept that.
Well, I've had the album since April 21st, just picked up the actual CD....

First thoughts....

Far Cry - most like the Rush you know.
Armor & Sword - another awesome track
The Larger Bowl - kinda slow, almost folkish

The rest....who cares.....RUSH has gone a further step backwards than with VT......the THREE instrumentals lack even a hint of initiative.

Today I'm saddened......:cry:

I got the album a few days ago and got excited when I heard the first drumbeats, God, how we'd all waited for another sign of life from the Canadians, that surely will play on all of your CD-players. It was well worth waiting for, fresh, powerful and more melodic than the last few releases. They're at their best and the producer brought in some freshness that took RUSH back to the 80's with the power and sound quality of the new millenium. A must!!!!!!!!! "Armor and sword" is my favourite.....

And to you, dear Enchant boys, how about some new material, eh???

You rule 2