New Scar Symmetry track

Not feeling this one. Too bad, too, considering how strong these guys were and where they were headed...
Musically sounds great but the chorus is not that good. I'll reserve judgement on the new singers untill I've heard the rest of the album as Scar Symmetry pick the songs which I like the least as Singles.
In some ways it sounds cool, but in others I think they lost a lot of their intimacy and heavyness with all this over-production. It feels way too vocal-centric for my liking. I doubt these new riffs will be getting much windmilling from my end. It should have been obvious from Holographic Universe that it was heading here though.

At least Per's solo absolutely rips balls as always.
Per should just release solo albums, and the drummer should reform Theory in Practice. Jonas can do whatever.... he's the fucking man anyways
I think this is the proof about Christian's skills. He didn't make only the vocal lines but part of the music too. And this simply sucks without him.

Don't get me wrong, the music is cool, but the new vocalists aren't so awesome, and everything sounds a lot more uninspired...
I never digged scar symmetry as much as i feel like i should
they always sounded pretty uninspired and boring to me
the productions too messy for me to even make any of whats going on in this track, this flat out sucks IMO
Glad, I didn't like them to begin with. And this surely doesn't change that... So nothing to be disappointed about for me.
God I miss Christian...I'm just not feeling the new vocalists. I wish they would of got someone more original instead of trying to find two guys to attempt to immitate Christian...poorly...I dig the music and Per's solos are badass as always. I just wish they'd stop trying to be so catchy and br00tul it up a bit more.
I think it sounds pretty cool. Mix and tones are a little weird but i think low quality mp3 and you tube compression might have caused that. Yeah its not as good without christian but he's gone so what can u do? I'd rather have this than no more scar symmetry albums.
Sounds pretty fucken sick to me. Being a fan of Scar Symmetry for a while, I do miss Christians amazing vocal ability, but to me it still has everything I love about SS. Cool riffs, awesome melodies and solos that rip your ears off. And I don't think you guys can complain about the production considering it's a YouTube video.