new setlist

Sounds like an awesome show. I'm glad it went well! I too had a pretty tough weekend last time I went to see DT, but the bruises and hung-over train ride seem so minor by comparison to the awesome experience of meeting the band. They are nice people.
Yesterday's setlist at Oulu (a few songs might be misplaced, I checked online for verification, and the only list I could find was pretty close to mine, so it should be quite corret):

1. At the Point of Ignition
2. The Fatalist
3. Damage Done
4. Lost to Apathy
5. Monochromatic Stains
6. The Gallery *
7. The Wonders at Your Feet
8. Iridium
9. Shadow in Our Blood
10. Focus Shift
11. Icipher
12. Dream Oblivion
13. Misery's Crown
14. Haven
15. Punish My Heaven
16. Final Resistance
17. ThereIn
18. Terminus (Where Death Is Most Alive)

* Stanne dedicated The Gallery to yours truly, which was awesome, yet caught me completely off guard, so when he invited me to the stage I felt too embarrassed to go (also, I had fought for my place in the front row and didn't want to lose that) so I tried to politely decline - which didn't stop my friend from trying to lift me from my legs face first over the fence (which was low enough for me to climb over anyway, if I had just wanted to), leading to a rather awkward moment when I was halfway in the air and tried desperately to cling to the fence, while Mikael was laughing his ass off! It was simultaneously the most awesome and the most embarrassing moment of my life! :blush: :tickled:

Regardless, I felt the set was awesome and the band played great, despite the fact that some tour-wear was perhaps visible in everyone else except Mikael, who was his brilliant charismatic self, as always. Even though I was somewhat thrown off by the aforementioned debacle, the show as a whole was the best hour+ of my otherwise shitty year.

The previous band, Avatar, was a great warm-up act, but DT certainly didn't need any warming up yesterday.


Brilliant!!!! That's, without doubt, a great experience. Congratulations!!! And cheers to the band for being such great people and having such an excellent setlist!
haha well if i had been watching these videos four days ago i would have been a very happy man. Now, i got a heavy fever and running nose and not even sure if i ll make it to the concert tomorrow night in stockholm. So i pledge to the members of this forum to send me a prayer to find the strenght to attend to the dt concert tomorrow!
haha good one. I can say that anybody whos planning to go to the final shows of this tour, ur in for a real treat. One of the top 5 concerts i have ever been to, prob the number 1 metal concert. its was perfect. PERFECT. Evertyhing u would ever expect. Last time i saw then in stockholm i was quite disapointed, the sound was horrible and the crowd was small and lame. Last nite, the venue was great, the crowd was going insane (not like in milano but still, insane). The sound was amazing despite the fact that the drums and bass in some songs totally overpowered the guitars, in haven u couldnt even hear the leadmelody and the solos was kind of hard to hear properly. Lots of songs just blew ur mind just with the sheer and perfectly balanced heaviness that came out of the speakers. Also mikaels clean singing sometimes drowned in the mix. Still, mikaels vioce was somewhat worn but he put on an amazing performance!! THe clean singing was out of this world great, lots of energy and sometimes he seemed to loose it completely and just went insane, like in the end of punish. His highlight was definetly THerein, perfect delivery. Jivarps drumming was heavy and precise and delicate. Highlight was Irridium. It went from being a great concert to being something religious, something divine. I had goosegumps over my entiire body. I love you. I almost wish u would just play irridium twelve times next show.Focus sift was the lowest point of the night, just being a bit too standard metal.