Novembers Doom - Photos of the Reggies show


Mar 28, 2006
Las Vegas
I've only gone through and processed the ND photos, but more of the other bands will come within the next day or two.

Anyways, awesome performance. Set list was INRI, Rain, Aphotic in it's entirety, Swallowed by the Moon (!) and In The Pale Haunt Departure.

Also, my apologies to Sasha. I did my best to get some shots but due to the setup wasn't able to get anything worth uploading.

IMG_5922 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_5935 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_5959 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_6049 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_5912 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_5911 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_5933 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_6016 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_5993 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_6028 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

IMG_6033 by Srontgorrth, on Flickr

Full sets located here:

and here:
Thanks Jason! And it was good seeing you (and Bob!) as well! And yeah something around that huh? I'll probably see you again in another 2-3, hehe.
Thanks a lot Larry, it's much appreciated! I'm really glad I was able to schedule my flight around when the show was, had it been a week earlier I wouldn't have been able to go due to school and so on. Great timing, and fantastic show.

Also (assuming you guys chose the lineup) great choices on the lineup, I really enjoyed all of the bands!
Ken, yea, I can't even remember the last time I saw you.
May have been that Candlemass show about 3 or 4 years ago, or whenever it was.

I saw you at the last Chicago concert I went to (not including TSO), which was the Novembers Doom show at Reggie's in November 09, with Woods of Ypres. I'm glad my company was so exciting that you remembered :-)

Random note: I just scanned my list of concerts, and I've seen ND 5 times (wish it was 6); that's in second place for my trips to see Chicago bands, behind Ion Vein who I've seen 7 times.

Great pics, Chase. They make me even more bummed I couldn't go. Would have been nice to catch up with you and everyone else...


Thank you! Yeah I know, I was hoping you would be able to go, but hopefully next time I'm in town there'll be another ND show, haha. And perhaps I'll end up in Illinois for grad school.