vvv Jake's ass vvv
I am not mixing up conversations although you never actually wrote Nazi that time, I did.xfer said:Oh, you're mixing up two conversations. I had been referring DIRECTLY to Nazis and I'm speaking of the Zundel Holocaust-denying trial. But I stand by my French Nazi thing, too, and I am opposed to the US government taking similar steps (requiring immigrant-neighbourhood shop signs to be in giant english letters, for example).
I was referring to the growing hispanic "problem"

2/3 -> 1/3 just so you know. Also note that in immigrant neighborhoods the law is basically not enforced. Take a walk in China town here and you'll see what I mean. Also note that I don't agree with the big fuss some made about "Second Cup" (its like a Starbucks) and the like because those are basically brand names and having the law enforced there is just dumb.