New song (5150,DFHS,Blackjack C7)

Btw....I just noticed that soundclick played the song slowed down for me. For others it played fine. Anyway I re-uploaded it and it sounds fine now, check it again just in case :)

rvs0002: Thanks... a lot of people commented that the singer reminded them bayley... Personally I'm not a bayley fan and I like my singer's voice better so I don't see many similarities, but maybe I'm just used to it.
I tweaked the snare a little but other than that a can't see how the drums could get lost in the mix, they sound fine. I'll wait and see if anyone else here has the same opinion, maybe it's just me.
I think the drums get buried just a bit under the weight of everything else, but it's personal taste. The OH's aren't lost at all, it's just the drums themselves, snare/toms, IMO (toms less so than snare). On double bass parts I think the kick sounds fine, but otherwise it gets a little lost because the guitar/bass stabs are in sync with the BD like in the verses...It's tight, but the guitars and bass are so big it kinda hides the kick, IMO. During the clean section, everything sounds good to me, so maybe it's more of the idea that the guitars are too loud rather than the drums aren't loud enough. ALso, the snare sound itself doesn't fit the song/style IMO. I'd at least blend a sample with it, or try a different than what you have if there's one already in there.

Like I said, it's personal taste. It by no means sounds bad, dude.
I updated the mix. Turns out you were right about the bass drum not cutting well through the mix in certain places...I think it's better now but I've only had the chance to listen though headphones cause it's really late here. Give it a listen when you have the time and tell me what you think.
When I was programming the drums I was pretty excited about the snare sound however I was pretty sure a lot of people would dislike it, you're the first, I'm sure more will follow :).
sounds good man are the guitars impulses or mic sounds like impulses could be wrong anyway sounds good are you guys playing anywhere
live in athens?
sounds good man are the guitars impulses or mic sounds like impulses could be wrong anyway sounds good are you guys playing anywhere
live in athens?

It's mic. We can't play live since right know it's just me and the singer. And I'm guessing we're gonna have real trouble finding a drummer who can play that stuff.
I think the song sounds excellent. I like the guitar tones and the clean sounds great as well. Is the clean also the 5150? Wicked solo!

I like the bass drum. I probably would put a little more "crack" in the snare but what do I know.

guitar tones on this are really good, as is the rest of the production

i'd also have to say though that the snare could use a little more beef in it. it has a nice tight sound to it, but it seems to lack the OOMPH it needs to really push through the mix
Thanks guys for all your replies so far, I'm glad you liked the song.
To answer some questions...
Clean parts and solos are podxt.
For the rhythm parts I used podxt as a DI box and I sent the tracks to OzNimbus and he reamped them with a 5150, I don't remember exact settings but I know he used two 57s in Nordstrom configuration, red channel and a maxon OD808 in front...
As for the snare I still like the way it is, I don't know if I'll change my mind later on.
The Guitar tones are sick as hell id love to know your settings and such?

Thank you sir! We went through about seven versions of the tone till we found what was right for the playing style. Originally, Tzek wanted something a little more "Loomis" sounding, but it just wasn't happening that way. We tracked this back in early December, & my notes are a little "confused" But I think I've got it here:

5150 RED channel/ Marshall 1960V cab/ Dual 57's on/off axis with Maxon Od808.

Pre 5.5
Lo 6
Mid 5.5
Hi 4.5
Post 3.5
Reso 6
Presence: 9.5

Keep in mind, the sound is in the hands!

Fortunately, a few days later, someone was nice enough to post that black & white 5150 image & my notes are now much, much more organized!

Anyway, just want to thank Tzek for the wonderful opportunity. It's so cool being able to work with all these people from all over the place!