New Song need input + Is someone willing to master a whole album for me? *PAID*

overall it sounds a little uninspired... guitars sound very dry, snare is thin... lacks excitement. but i guess good mastering engineer could help.

i like the vocals ! but instruments are not cutting it. listen to some great productions and try to match your tone.

a good mix to my ears has something exciting and ear catching. go try to make at least one of your instruments moaaaarrrr exciting! ;-)
The snare is a taste thing. I like it. More brilliance to the mix and some more de-esser to the voices.

Pretty decent stuff! The snare is cool but needs some work, it definetely sounds thin and very (too) dry. Sounds like you put some Transient Designer with loads of attack but no sustain at all, give it some 200hz to beefen it up and put a subtle bit of reverb to make it blend in a little better. I think the guitars are sounding a bit lifeless, i'm still doubting if i think that fits the style of music ;) I think i'm gonna have a shot of somewhat mastering it.
Thanks for all the input so far! Keep it coming... Going to finish the mix within the next 2 weeks. So there's time enough to try different things.
I still struggle with making the guitars come to life. I think i need to try other recabinet impulses... maybe i'll go the unusual route and add some ambience to the guitars...

will post another mix tomorrow.
Agree on the snare. The toms are too scooped. The drums are a bit robotic. The guitars are dry and undergained. Hope that helps!