New Star One album


Vocal Prince
Jun 18, 2007

This guy has all the songs posted for listening on his channel.

All the songs I have heard so far are actually really damn good. So much better than the first Star One album. Much heavier and melodic - less cheese.

Russell powers the shit outta this album. Shining especially on Victim of the Modern Age.

Listen and discuss...I for one love what I have heard.
It's great except for the extremely boring chorus of 24 Hours. Quite a tedious song.

Russell is indeed in great shape. I hope he performs just as well on the SX album.
I'm gonna give it a real listen later... when i get home from dinner. The vids do seem to have low quality audio :/
Im lovin the new album, especially the title track, It's Alive She's Alive We're Alive, and Human See Human Do

better update my profile pic soon :D
Hey Krowsnest I like your custom rank. "Guardian of The Blind" I'm guessin' ur a Blind Guardian fan! \m/
All the songs I have heard so far are actually really damn good. So much better than the first Star One album. Much heavier and melodic - less cheese.

Russell powers the shit outta this album. Shining especially on Victim of the Modern Age.

Listen and discuss...I for one love what I have heard.

This basically sums up what I think as well. Really nothing more to add here.
I had it on pre-order before I even heard it, and it kicks buckets of ass, with the exception of the chorus mentioned above. HEAVY cd this time around....
Hey Krowsnest I like your custom rank. "Guardian of The Blind" I'm guessin' ur a Blind Guardian fan! m/

Why yes I am, seeing them live in November

also, add It "All Ends Here" to my list of songs that kick ass on the album, the singing universally is great.
I love the album. 24 Hours is actually one of my favorites though, especially the chorus. Don't see the problem there at all. There really isn't a song I don't love on the album.
Im on my second listen , good stuff so far a little chunkyer guitar than the first one but so far i really like the whole album but not to sure of the last track yet
Turning to seven-string guitar has kind of ruined Arjen's music in my opinion, though ruined is a little harsh. There's just so little of those little blues and country tinges that used to make his music so cool now that he's so fond of chugging metal riffs.
On my third listen through. Its the perfect album to keep me calm until the new SX album is out seeing how Russell is the prominent voice on every song. Good shit...
Ruined isn't harsh enough to describe it. IMO Arjen's worst offering to date, easily.

I could use this album as White Noise for audio tuning. It's hardly much different for the majority of it. Awful, awful, awful. Are any of the songs even different? Does any RIFF even stand out? Or a lyrical hook? Not even one. The Star One debut was miles ahead of this loop-and-rehash.
got my signed copy, can't wait to listen!!!:Smokin::wave:

Enjoy , i m really digging it , there isn't as much keyboard and guitar work as the last album ,even the drums are pretty strait forward , but do to all the great singing who cares , I love Digital Rain and when i found out after hearing it i was thinking Matrix and now i know it is based on it i love it even more
Ruined isn't harsh enough to describe it. IMO Arjen's worst offering to date, easily.

I could use this album as White Noise for audio tuning. It's hardly much different for the majority of it. Awful, awful, awful. Are any of the songs even different? Does any RIFF even stand out? Or a lyrical hook? Not even one. The Star One debut was miles ahead of this loop-and-rehash.

Holy shit.

Well, I don't think it has the same "magic" as a Symphony X album but I don't think it's trash. The vocal performances on the album alone make it a good listen. Sure there isn't a bunch of complex shredding and time changes making it a more straight forward metal album, but it works here. Each track I've heard has it's own distinct riff and stands out on its own. I definitely don't get the "one long song" vibe.

Vocals alone...decent listen. Damn, you made me sad :(
Ruined isn't harsh enough to describe it. IMO Arjen's worst offering to date, easily.

I could use this album as White Noise for audio tuning. It's hardly much different for the majority of it. Awful, awful, awful. Are any of the songs even different? Does any RIFF even stand out? Or a lyrical hook? Not even one. The Star One debut was miles ahead of this loop-and-rehash.

I agree with Ken...

This disc did nothing for me after a few listens and with all this praise especially the ones claiming it's better then the 1st one is confusing to me...