New string time!

I can't take better pictures because *I don't have a camera*... this is a phone. Eventually I'll have a camera. Right now I do not. I had problems getting the ImageShack resized pictures to actually load half the time, so I just posted them straight. It's not like there aren't any automatic image resizing utilities available for the most common browsers... I figured that since I'd want everything as large as it could come, and it's easier to downsize a picture with a browser plugin than to make it larger, I'd be better off posting the full-sized images.

Well, I don't know what Cellphone you have but mine is five years old and can focus. Just by pressing the shutter button halfway (to focus you usually hear a small 'ping' sound or you get a green dot or square on the screen) and then by pressing the butto all the way down.

It's like people complaining for 'shutter lag' in digital cameras (even the expensive ones) and goin' on doing the 'press down, presto!' without focusing before.

Oh! And if you took the pictures in low light it may be that the blur is form camera shake (or cellphone shake, in this case). Just rest the phone on a surface and take the picture then. You'll see the improvements.

-I feel like James Murphy when he's ranting at some noobie here-...

The fat strings look good on guitar but it doesn't sound very good. No real power and a bit like farting ;)
You can have it easier and just distort a normal tuned bass guitar.... then you would be a whole step deeper also haha
But if you had fun then I think it had something good. :)
The fat strings look good on guitar but it doesn't sound very good. No real power and a bit like farting ;)
You can have it easier and just distort a normal tuned bass guitar.... then you would be a whole step deeper also haha
But if you had fun then I think it had something good. :)

I'm not getting the 'farting' reference. I'm mainly interested in this for clean stuff, as distorting it is pretty much as big a pain in the ass as I've ever come across. I mainly wanted the 'growl' in the midrange, and this has it in spades. I'll be posting another set of clips when I've spent some time tweaking (and actually taking care to position the mic), I just haven't been able to get around to this stuff before noise ordinance kicks in so I'm cramped for time.

Yeah, try your best. I can get what you mean with the growling tone.
Another thing I recognized was that it sounds a bit detuned, maybe because the measure of guitar is too short for this low stuff.
Good luck with tweaking
As usual, the problem lies in getting the recording sound as good as the amp does in the room.

I may have knocked it out of tune a little bit, this was done on new strings so I wouldn't be surprised.

I figured that since I'd want everything as large as it could come, and it's easier to downsize a picture with a browser plugin than to make it larger, I'd be better off posting the full-sized images.

but regarding how blured and noisy these images are, it's a bit like a answering machine capturing at 44.1kHz 24bit ;)