Maybe i don´t know how to explain it.
Is nothing wrong with the band (but i still don´t like it), or with their clothes, when i talked about image, i was refering to the graphical image they have, and all those bands have the same image, have graphic designers to do the them, tons of diferents logos, Hundreds!! of t-shirt desiggs!! (it´s ok to have t-shirts, but what are you a Metal Band playing music, or a Metal band having a boutique??) i mean, this is about music, not about the trends, you guys got to agree with me that this is a trend, and trends are annoying (but not everlasting

). Listen to the band, but dont act like if "the best legit band of all times" because they aren´t they have nothing special, they are just fun as you guys said, not because they are deathcore and have hundreds of t-shirts designs to sell, they are the best fucking band in the world, they enjoy what they are doing, of course they do!!, who won´t enjoy popularity, or being on tour, and having money for it?? everyone have dreamed that, but if in the next record, they would enjoy to play death metal with classic gutural vocals, no breakdowns, and just one t-shirt with the album cover to sell. they still gonna enjoy playing their music, but they maybe won´t be popular again.
You said Elitism, is not elitism, i fucking hate that, but i also hate closed minded thinking, the attitude that the band fucking rules only because they are popular only because they are deathcore, "the snare sound awful" other part, "isn´t awful, is because they wanted it that way(and they rule)", "song is boring", other part "isn´t boring, they are experimenting (and they kick ass)" i liked more there first album (fuck you, they are now better than ever!!, because they rule!!), i mean come on, i understand people are young, fuck, im not even that old but come on, you have to understand that there millions of bands, and before today´s popular bands, there was, another millions bands, they don´t need to pretend that deathcore bands invented a sound, a sound that is older than the band itself.