New Symphony X tune


Jul 18, 2002
Well supposedly in Japan, the Odyssey was released, and included the track FRONTIERS (new song that wasnt done in time for the Euro/USA cut). Happy hunting!
I was really really pissed when I found out about the Japanese bonus track............ I hate to admit this..... but I have a very bad tendency to burn albums where the US versions get fucked out of bonus tracks..... especially GOOD bonus tracks.... Soilwork - Predator's Portrait, In Flames - Colony (how could the best song on the album, Man Made God, not even be on the US version, what bullshit :mad: ).... just to name a few.

However, I did buy the Odyssey actually..... Symphony X is lucky I found out about it after I bought the album. I HATE JAPANESE BONUS TRACKS GODDAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shit... another cd i have to buy. Yeah, i have the limited edition of the odyssey, but i have to get this one too now... damn it sucks being a hardcore and devoted fan lol
Show a little respect for the band..this is like their home, ya don't go into their damn home & talk about ripping em off. We can't stop ya'll from downloading stuff, but have enough class not to discuss it in the band's home, that's just wrong.
Lady... this is nothing. You should've seen the Ultimate Metal In Flames forum. There were so many threads criticizing the band for their new album Reroute to Remain that the band eventually got rid of the forum.

Anyway, my comments aren't made in order to criticize the band. It's to criticize whichever bastards continually decide that Japan somehow deserves something that just as allegant fans in the United States or Europe don't.
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
Show a little respect for the band..this is like their home, ya don't go into their damn home & talk about ripping em off. We can't stop ya'll from downloading stuff, but have enough class not to discuss it in the band's home, that's just wrong.

I agree. And people, these hidden tracks will probably end up on a future album anyway so don't go crazy! :eek: Haven't you heard that patience is a virtue?
Like i said, i am buying it. Not complaining about symphony x. Besides, there is a reason for the japanese bonus tracks... it's so the japanese will buy the albums. Apparently people in japan can rent albums, so there is nothing stopping them from burning albums like we do, but they have easier access. So the bonus tracks are their incentive to buy the albums. yeah, it will probly be released in the future, but i think i am going to get it now. Besides, i think it's cool to have a hard copy of something that very few people in the states own. And my bro is going to japan in may... i might just have him pick me up a copy.
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
Show a little respect for the band..this is like their home, ya don't go into their damn home & talk about ripping em off. We can't stop ya'll from downloading stuff, but have enough class not to discuss it in the band's home, that's just wrong.

Dont get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for the band, I just want to hear the new song, its not like its easily accessable in stores, and I cant really afford to import the whole thing for that one song at the moment. I bought the limited edition of the odyssey, its not like im trying to screw the band over, I would never want to do that. I just want to hear the new song, is that so bad?
"We can't get enough............of SYMPHONY X!"
"We can't get enough............of SYMPHONY X!"
"We can't get enough............of SYMPHONY X!"
"We can't get enough............of SYMPHONY X!"
"We can't get enough............of SYMPHONY X!"
repeat, repeat, repeat.....:headbang:
You can rent albums in Japan? Wow, thats pretty cool. That would be a cool thing to institute here in the states. Damn, I never thought of that as a concept.

See if you like it before you buy it.
The only problem is most people don't buy it unless there is a reason... otherwise they will just burn it. Of course, there are always the fans who will buy it anyway. Hardcore metal fans are the best fans in the world because they are so loyal. I guess i take it to the extreme having multiple copied of some of my favorite albums. for "house of god" by king diamond, i have the cd, digi pak cd, and picture disc... i want to get it on cassett. For "abigail II" i have it on cd and vinyl. For "Deliverance" by opeth i have it on cd and digipak cd. i have almost every iced earth album on vinyl minus stormrider impossible to find!) and i have pretty much everything else by them. I am missing an individually numbered copy of the melancholy EP, the enter the realm demo (the original) and te new remasters. I have both covers of iced earth (the really early one and the one of the angel falling or whatever), i have both covers of stormrider (the one with the dude on the horse and the one with him on the winged beast), i have days of purgatory both single cd US version and 2cd europe version, i have alive in athens both 3cd and 2cd version..... the point is i collect what i like, and symphony x is part of that. ok, gotta go to work now.
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
Show a little respect for the band..this is like their home, ya don't go into their damn home & talk about ripping em off. We can't stop ya'll from downloading stuff, but have enough class not to discuss it in the band's home, that's just wrong.
If you've already bought the domestic version CD, then what's the problem downloading the one song we can't/didn't get??

I paid extra for the Limited Edition of The Odyssey, I paid $17 to see them in concert. I think I'm entitled to one free song that wasn't offered to me by any other means.

Anyway, the real reason Japanese CDs always get bonus tracks is that, over in Japan, because of the high prices of CDs over there, it would be cheaper to import a CD from Europe or the States, so they put bonus tracks on their CDs to give the people more of a reason to buy the Japanese version of the CD.