New tattoo/the ink thread!!


Feb 20, 2005
Just got my 4th tattoo today, was the single most painful experience of my entire life, bar none. Granted, I've not been in too many painful situations before, but I honestly was sweating/shaking/convulsing from the sheer agony of this, and according to the guy it's pretty much the worst spot (other than the genitals) to get ink done. But goddammit, it fit so perfectly there (especially how he drew it out!) that I sucked it up, and it was worth it! We were originally gonna do the coloring in the same session, but I absolutely could not take any more, so I'll be back in a month (with $25 more, whatever) to finish it up! I give you, Okami Amaterasu, courtesy of Taylor at "Golden Lotus Tattoo" in Oneonta NY!


As some of you might have noticed, I love canines - my whole life I've grown up with golden retrievers, and I've always regarded wolves with a great respect and reverence; I think they're the most beautiful creatures on earth. And when I played through Okami, one of the most beautiful and fantastic video games ever made IMO, I knew I had to combine my love of both into ink! I showed the guy a few different images, and what's on me is the end result - the dude is a fucking artist!

Here are my others (excuse the pose) - the back is the Zyklon razer wheel (while I do really like the band, they're certainly not my favorite - rather, I just wanted a cool logo that embodied my unbridled love of metal), and the shoulders are my parents' names in bind-runes (meaning, all the rune letters of Mimi and Doug on left and right, respectively, are there, they were just all put together into bitchin' looking designs by one of my artist friends)


So everyone, show your ink!!
LOL at the double Bi back shot hahaha.

Cool tat dude. Yeah that and the inner biceps are prolly the worst spots to tat.

Haha, yeah, it was the only way I could get all 3 in the same pic, but I feel like such a meathead posting it :lol: Thanks though man! And yeah, I can imagine the inner bicep would be bad, but I dunno, this one being on the ribcage with like zero muscle there, GAAAAAHHHH...

Oh, and I also saw something there today I had never seen before - the owner of the place had solid fucking black sleeves tattooed; after he left, I asked the other two guys (one of whom was my artist) what the deal with that was, and they said it was cover-ups for some stuff he...REALLY wanted covered up. They didn't go into specifics, and I didn't press 'em, but I'm guessing it was white supremacist shit - this is why I'm glad I'm certain before I go through with these things!
Yeah I have no ink.. I don't think I'll get any either which is kinda lame but I could never find anything cool enough or with enough meaning to permanently affix to my epidermis.... How many layers of skin does it go through?
I'll quote a client of mine on the subject:

"It's funny how band members don't have any money for recording but can somehow afford a new tattoo."
Yeah I have no ink.. I don't think I'll get any either which is kinda lame but I could never find anything cool enough or with enough meaning to permanently affix to my epidermis.... How many layers of skin does it go through?

Hahahahahaha, enough to hurt like fucking CA-RAZY!!! Seriously though, this wikipedia article, despite being quite over my head with its biology talk (fibroblasts? :lol: ), has got a lot of good info

I don't have any ink. I can't ever seem to find anything that I would want on my body for a long ass time. My fiance' and myself are probably gonna do inter twined wedding rings in January though.

That's cool dude, it has meaning, and that's what counts! Really, it's just all about thinking of things that mean a lot to you, and my parents, metal, and canines are pretty much at the top of my list!

Got it done then! Looking great so far, keep us fully up to date with the latest colourings/tales of pain lol

Need more!

Nice dude.

Thanks guys, will do! And Socialnumb, I know you've got some hardcore ink, let's see it dude, that's just as much what this thread is for! (that goes for everyone else, as well!!)

Oh yeah, and J, that's fucking ridiculously awesome dude, I love the Japanese motif - how much do you think that'd cost? Cuz the one I just got, because it's in small-city NY, was - get this - $180 including color!!!! (soon to come, naturally) Yet each of my 3 others were $100 down in the city, and that was after hitting a bunch of places for the best price! Oy, talk about market forces...
So let's see it!! ;) Here's a close-up of mine, look at the freakin' detail!! (her claws on her front paws, for example)

the ribs were my most painful spot,i feel for ya that shit hurts ... i got both sides done sleeves almost done, my roomate is a tattoo artist he inflicts tons of pain on me ....
Oh yeah, and J, that's fucking ridiculously awesome dude, I love the Japanese motif - how much do you think that'd cost? Cuz the one I just got, because it's in small-city NY, was - get this - $180 including color!!!! (soon to come, naturally) Yet each of my 3 others were $100 down in the city, and that was after hitting a bunch of places for the best price! Oy, talk about market forces...

The guy makes guest appearances at Paul Booth's last rites and he's about the most talented dude with color that I've ever fuckin seen. He's actually japanese... he lives and works in Japan most of the time...

I presume he's got to be up there in Booth pricing... so I figure its about 250 an hour.... but thats just an assumption...

Im not HUGE on japanese, but I AM half samoan... and apparently way down the family line there's some japanese in there... so, I figured it'd be something to consider...
I've decided that instead of getting something on my back while in London this Winter, I'm going to start my right arm when I get back, instead.


Possibly with the bottom half of this as the bottom:


It's Gustav Dore's illustrations from Paradise Lost... the first being Lucifer's expulsion from heaven, the second being based off Milton's description of hell.

Not sure exactly on coloring, but I know I'm in love with the purple/green/black/orange combo on this dude's from the ESP forum:
