new title: preppy AKA office bitch


Aug 2, 2002
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so, remember when that girl i work with got suspended (she comes back monday) for picking on me so much about not eating enough?

well well well... i have this old email she sent me linking me to an article about how grossly underweight people (which i am NOT one of) get bone diseases and die young.
before this incident, and before she refused to apologize, i was going to suck it up and keep being nice. but my supervisor actually just said 'let her have it'. so yea. i am emailing her this on monday:

fat people die young, suckers

daniel, my supervisor told me that from now on, i can have whatever reaction i want to her short of a fistfight because it's bad for my 'morale' to have to worry about it.


so, the bitch is back at work this week. so far she's like, leaving at least a 10 foot clearing around me at all times.
she has probably eaten 1-10 on the above mentioned list today.