New to mixing, needs help to get the right software.


New Metal Member
Mar 4, 2013
Hello guys,

Im pretty new to the new world of recording, mixing and mastering. I have been working in some small local studios were i helped record demo's and Ep's for the local bands.

I just finished my own album and i want to record, mix and master it myself. I will need some help to do so.

First i went to use my hard earned money on some equitment that i will need. As for now, i got KRK VXT8 monitors. They sounds good, now i just need to learn how they translate to HIFI systems.
I got a RME Fireface 400 and a Great River N1.
I got it all used and for a good prices but i need a good microphone and some software.
I got Cubase 6 as DAW, i mostly got it because it was what we used in the local studio. Did not want to go out and learn a complete new software, not right now tho.

Okay thats alittle about me, what i really want you guys help to is to get the right software.

I have no awesome drummer, nor the mics or preamps, so i want to program the drums for my album. I have been using EZ Drummer in the studio but it sounds quite bad i think. Then i started searching and atleast 10 different softwares came up.
What are you guys useing for drums? and why are you using it?
What software are you useing to process the drums with? and why?

Im a guitar player so i ofcause have some nice guitars and preamps. Right now the Soldano SLO 100 is my favorite my brother got an Dual Rectifier that i can borrow and a big load of cabinets.
What kind of software do you use to treat the guitar with? and why? ;)

I only got a bas and put it thru the Great River. Im so bad at getting it to sound good. What software are you useing here? why? :D

Vocals, no mic, only the great river. What mic should i get? its both for male and female singing.

I really hope none died reading all my stuff, sorry for the wall of text.

Ill be super happy for some help :)

Later i need help useing the software and mixing :D

Ill post music when i get to it.

Yours Victoria
You should lurk around and read some Stickies and Mixing tuts, you will automatically read about the good and bad things of all the samplers(SSD4/EZ Drummer and so on) and plugins...
In pretty much every (important) thread are audio examples so you can compare and see what fits your needs best.

Your gear is nice, so it all depends on your mixing skills ;)
Yup, agree with the above post. You've got some good gear and if you read about here, you're pick up some great information. Used the search function a lot as it will stop people calling you a n00b etc. Good luck
For drum software grab the Andy Sneap Metal Machine pack for EZ Drummer, sounds great and doesn't cost much.
A good dynamic mic like a SM58 can get the job done for vocals, it can often be better than a condenser if you're recording in a smaller and/or untreated room. Or if you've got more money to spend you could look at the SM7B.

For everything else just search and read around here, there is LOADS of information and I'm 100% certain that you'll find answers to every question you can think of.
Thanks for the advices

Metal Machine looks awesome and sounds pretty good too. Does the samples take editing well?

Shure sm7b, had to google it :D Looks like the Metallica mic hehe
Internet people call it, SM57 with balls. What is that suposed to mean?


I got an Shure SM7b today, sadly the grill was a bit beaten up, but i got a really nice price so i guess its okay. Its working perfect!

Can't wait to listen to some real recordings with it.

Yeah, Sneap intentionally made them with only slight processing so there's still plenty of scope to carve them with your own compression/eq etc.

Wow thats amazing, cus to me they sound pretty good out of the box :eek:

I pretty much used all my money for this month, sooo i gotta wait with the drum software untill next month :(

I can see there is a new version of Cubase, the 7. Is it worth getting from the 6.0 that i got?

To get list:

Metal Machine
Shure sm57

Yeah they're pretty awesome right off the bat, don't need much at all to be mix ready really.

I'm not a cubase user so I can't comment on the differences between 6 and 7 unfortunately,

If you're grabbing the 57 for guitar cabs maybe see how you get on using the SM7 first, I've had good results with it so you might find the 57 is a bit of a redundant purchase, though it's always nice to have different options.
Now i know what drum "sound" im aiming for :D


THIS ONE! Holy hell! its so amazing!

Is there by any small chance a drum software/sample that comes close to this? :D
