New track, a bit different :)

holy shit that just can't be amplitube! sounds amazing! i always saw amplitube more like... a toy tool... but this sound rocks man, amazing, different, rockin' stuff! mind sharing amplitube settings?
seriously you ought to develop this into a style in itself, epic trance metal could be a major breakthrough!

(yes i know it's kindof been done before, but not quite like this)
Id like to put out there, that I absolutely love this sample. I love Electro influenced metal in general.

the production is superb imo. but Im deaf in one ear, so Im not the best critique.
fucking amazing song. i love electronic/trance metal. MORE!!!

may i ask how you start/structure your songs as you make them? i find this the hardest part...i usually make a 2 bar loop, then give up.. and make another 2 bar loop..
Aw thanks guys for the great feedback! I wasn't expecting that haha..

TheDude: haha ah well you got me! :) No but seriously I just used the VST effect thingy in the demo version of Riwhulher III to be able to use another impulse, hence the white noise ;)

Here are the settings:

ahjteam: The tuning is drop A, but the song is in C :)

skeksis268: Hm yeah it would be fun to do more stuff like this.. We'll see what happens :)

c4mz: Well for this one I started out with just the standard intro-verse-chorus-verse thing but I thought it got a bit boring and came up with the weirder shit after the second chorus haha.. For other stuff I just basically go for whatever I would think might sound cool :)
There are some revalver white noises in there but it sounds good anyway

Keep on metal :kickass: