New Trailer up !


Torn is my favourite of aprils trailer... Sounds friggin awesome! Yeah, lets speed up time a bit...:lol:

Cant wait to get the album!
I like this trailer better then the last one and I don't know why. This album seems like it will kick some ass, I'm looking forward to it. :kickass:
I'm loving the return of the atmospheric elements in the music! The more I hear of this new album the more I believe that it sounds like a mix of ISoT and RD. My only (small) complaint is that I was looking forward to hearing more from "Broken Wings" as that track jumped out the most at me in the first video.
oh man!!!
I just cannot do this to myself :erk:
I'm freaking out just listening to small parts here and there...
I think I'm gonna have to wait till the album is out!

PS:I ordered myself the new shirt though!!:heh:
Cheers guys!:headbang:
damn, this shit sounds amazing.
tom's vocals destroy MMA's easily, some of the vocal lines on the new trailer fucking gave me goosebumps.
the instance i heard "how can you deny me hope..." and when he sings the second "and how", i wrote my girlfriend an e-mail to check out the trailer.

congratulations evergrey,
i'm very impressed, and can't wait,
shit, this year will be good, bloodbath dvd, opeth's watershed and evergrey's torn.
Bah everyone's ripping on MMA, that album is fucking amazing!

But this sucks, I haven't been able to see the trailer (it's fucking up or w/e) and I'm fucking dying to see (mostly hear :)) it already!