New Trends/Innovations in Philosophy

Justin S. said:
Dude, for the last time: Heidegger isnt the problem, its the reader. Im sure you'll love that! :lol:

Im actually sick to death of the name game, terms and categories about movements or schools of thought. Let the thinking stand, read the primary works etc. Nothing pisses me off more that the industry and bureaucracy of "Philosophy" (all the while existence is completely ignored).

I was hoping we could have a Analytical vs. Continental battle royale on this site. Just how pervasive are these titles in the academic community? Do they spawn huge arguments?
Justin S. said:
Cythraul making a thread...? :u-huh:

Well if he doesnt, he's stuck with primarily either my or Infoterror's threads, or whatever idiotic thread a random non-regular poster swoops down to make.
Uh-oh, the cunning bastard did it!

BUT, it was purely to spite me, he framed the "questions" by the rules of the analytics, and the thread will most likely die a dull and confused death...:heh:
I didn't intentionally frame my questions according to any "rules"; I just asked basic questions that I think are worth some thought. Sure, the kinds of concerns I raise come out of the analytic camp, but you're more than welcome to deal with the issues in any manner you like.

edit: I'm not sure I even know how to frame the questions in a relevantly different way.