New Trivium Mp3

Wow sounds like old metallica. Not to bad. Weird mix though. I am guessing this is not a final version.
i dunno...i like the last trivium album better than this new sounds too much like metallica, i also think its pretty gay how they go around saying they're trying to be the next metallica.
Doesnt every band wanna be the next Metallica in terms of being as big as them? i think thats every metal bands dream. I like the song, its grown on me, it does sound like 'AJFA' Metallica though, i prefer the melo-death riff bit halfway through though, that sounds like something from 'Ascendancy' iv got a feeling this album is gonna be below par when compared to Ascendancy, it would take one hell of an album to top that in my opinion.
NathanSoulfracture said:
Doesnt every band wanna be the next Metallica in terms of being as big as them? i think thats every metal bands dream. I like the song, its grown on me, it does sound like 'AJFA' Metallica though, i prefer the melo-death riff bit halfway through though, that sounds like something from 'Ascendancy' iv got a feeling this album is gonna be below par when compared to Ascendancy, it would take one hell of an album to top that in my opinion.
It's one thing to say you would like to achieve Metallica's level of success, but it's quite different to say you want to be the next Metallica and then try to cop their sound.
jesus christ they do sound like old metallica in certain parts. wtf was that 1st solo about?

talented little fuckers in general though. they'll come into their own with time.
Lopes said:
It's one thing to say you would like to achieve Metallica's level of success, but it's quite different to say you want to be the next Metallica and then try to cop their sound.

I can't agree more. I'm a fan of "Ascendancy", but I'm kind of fearful of what the entire new album will sound like. Hopefully we're all just mistaken in assuming that it's going to sound like a Metallica rip off...but I won't be surprised in the least if we're right. I also remember in a Guitar World interview a few months ago, Trivium was talking about how the new album will be heavier, faster, have crazier solos, and they said that one song even sounds like Rammstein...haha.
Well, I was hanging out with a few other bands on the -sounds of the underground- tour and gawd the trivium boys were acting like they were standing alone on top of a mountain......and every other band was at the bottom. Yes, I'm trying my best to be as polite as I can.:Smug:

So....... we went and ate while they played.:lol: