New Vader's leaked

Vader shouldn't impress anyone, as they tend to recycle riffs album after album and are less than amazing in the songwriting department. Nevertheless, I enjoy Litany, so there's a possibility I'll check this one, if only for some decent old-fashioned death metal.
Their albums are as straightforward Death Metal as it can get. I enjoy them, because like Darkthrone or Motorhead, you know to expect something they put out to rock pretty hard and consistently - not to go in the pretentious artfag direction :Smug: . Also, they own live.
Jean-Pierre said:
Their albums are as straightforward Death Metal as it can get. I enjoy them, because like Darkthrone or Motorhead, you know to expect something they put out to rock pretty hard and consistently - not to go in the pretentious artfag direction :Smug: . Also, they own live.


The first three are great.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Vader shouldn't impress anyone, as they tend to recycle riffs album after album .

Could you give us an example of Vader using the exact same riff on different songs? I haven't ever noticed that they do that TBH.
I have to admit they DO seem to stick with one sound, pretty much like a death metal AC/DC, but I don't have a problem with that. It works incredibly well for AC/DC and it works for Vader as well as far as I'm concerned. "The Beast" is a fantastic album, with some great drumming, and as an "old school" metal record, it shits all over the new Megadeth album.

"The Beast" = :headbang:
Vader = :worship: