New Vehemence Demos Coming Up/ Other Updates

Jan 8, 2002
We go into the studio at the Conservatory of Recording Arts in Tempe AZ November 2nd. Behind the board will be our good friend Will Solares, who also co-engineered GWC. We start with drum tracks, and this is the first time that Andy will be working with click tracks. Everything except for the keyboards and vocals will be tracked to 2 inch analog tape. This demo should sound professional quality by the time it is complete. It will have a more "natural" drum sounds than GWC.. The only triggering will be in the kick drum, but lightly mixed in with a mic'd sound. The guitar tracks will be recorded on the new Peavy XXX tube guitar head. That amp has the best built-in distortion I've heard yet. We will also take advantage of the Fernandes sustainer for a couple tracks. The songs to be recorded are:

Kill For God
Darkness Is Comfort
You Don't Have To Be Afraid Anymore
We Are All Dying

A slightly differnent sound than TTFWIH, and GWC. No concept or story involved. Shorter songs. Don't expect another full length release any time soon. Maybe metalblade can release one of these demo versions for an upcoming comp... Who knows, I'll post when I get more info. Till then :headbang:
November 2nd, got the drums tracks for four new songs complete. They sound amazing - best tracks Andy has ever recorded. He did great with the click track, and his drums were finally (for the first time ever) tuned properly! I can't wait to hear this shit when it's finished. This may be considered a demo, but I think it definately has potential to have better sound quality than GWC. Everything during these sessions are going to be tracked on 2 inch analog tape using the Studer. ($60,000 tape machine, and thats a used price!) The mixing board is actually higher quality than the one we used for GWC as well. The only tracks to be recorded onto Pro-Tools will be the vocals and keyboards. More updates as this shit develops
December 8th, and all the guitar tracks are completed. Recording took place today from 2am till 10am. Fucking sucked staying up that late, but gotta take advantage of free studio time... We used Scott's (our old guitarist) Peavey Triple X tube amp. That fucking amp sounds SOOO good. Kills the 5150. It's kinda new, not that many people know about it. I never seen anyone using it. We also did a direct track using the Line 6 POD. Just to give more texture to the distortion. Next week is bass, vocals, and keys (for one song). It is turning out killer so far - much more of the sound we wanted in the first place, as compared to God Was Created. It sounds raw, and warm (due to the anolog equipment we used for recording). In my opinion, GWC lost a lot of its analog warmth, when it was remixed at Trident Studios. Anyways, I'll post more shit next week. Alright peace homies
As we all know in recording nothing is better that recording onto a tape machine/analog. The sound is warm and heavy. The drums sound really good its not up to GWC status yet but I have a feeling it will sound better than the demos we released for GWC. I am anxious to hear this demo completed. The Trple X was a very sick head..sicker than the line 6 but not as clean..well heck I would own one just to record with!

Sucks about GWC losing its warmth through that remixing process, I remember it sounding a lil bit more natural-if we took more time micing the drums with different mics mabey there wouldnt have been a problem were we had to trigger the kit. Lesson learned. There is a cool guitar harmonized intro that Bjorn creates at the beginning of You Don't Have To Be Afraid Anymore, sounds very errie and appropriate. Hopefully the next demo we can record some of my newer songs and Marks song. It will be nice to have real demos instead of these computer demos we make for ourselves.
all vocals and bass were completed on December 15th... same fucked up schedule from 3 am to 9am. This Tuesday (january 7th) we go at a reasonable time (8pm - 2am) and do guitar lead parts. AGAIN. Will had to record over them to make room for the vocals on the tape. Thats ok though, the remaining tracks will be done on Pro Tools. The majority of the shit is on tape. Jason is going to record his Keyboard parts this Tuesday as well. Nate is going to redo a small vocal part at the end of "Darkness is Comfort". Believe it or not, he actually sings on it. Don't worry, it's just the last riff of the song. He is singing with Mark screaming over him. Really sounds sick. Once all this is done, we are going to record an acoustic version of "Kill For God". Same drums, bass, and vocal tracks, just different guitar tracks. Should sound interesting. OK so I'll give another update after Tuesday. Peace out!
Originally posted by PiercedFromWithin1
The one thing I loved about Vehemence was they had the awsome melodic guitar with the crazy vocals(that didnt sound gay like Soilwork,Opeth vocals). Please dont have clean fucking vocals, DONT DO THAT.

Oh fuck.

Actually, I think it is really going to be great...while keeping with Vehemence's reputation. Wait until you hear it, then judge!! :)
Originally posted by PiercedFromWithin1
The one thing I loved about Vehemence was they had the awsome melodic guitar with the crazy vocals(that didnt sound gay like Soilwork,Opeth vocals). Please dont have clean fucking vocals, DONT DO THAT.

Oh fuck.

Don't trip man, its just on one small part at the end of a song. Only one riff on the entire next album will have clean vocals. Nothing drastic. We wont be like Soilwork having sung choruses. Its a fade out part, at the end of our new song Darkness Is Comfort. :headbang: