New version of Massey DRT out. Now with Sample Replacement built in...


Nov 18, 2009
Just updated to this new version:

Looks pretty rad. I use the shit out of V1, mainly for converting audio to midi/audio clicks to run trigger or superior off of. I'm sure there are projects where I'll play around with it's sample replacement options if I'm not using slate samples. Pro Tools only!

You have to pay to get the two or three features that make it truly useful, but it's well worth the $99 I paid for it a while back. it's on sale this week too for $69.
Massey is a fucking genius seriously. That interface is brilliant, the way it handles multisamples is so damn simple and so logical, and the histogram displays are so clever. Also love how that stuff is displayed in the samples window and how it updates in real time as you adjust the velocity. Might buy this and start doing my sample replacement in Pro Tools.