New XBOX One

Do I really have to watch an 1 hour video now? Isn't there something that presents this thing in a nutshell?
TBH I don't even see the reason of Sony and Microsoft upgrading already, what the fuck is wrong with the PS3? There's absolutely nothing they can do to it that would make it "better", only worse... I saw the controllers for the PS4 and was severely upset, they looked like XBOX controllers, which I find horribly uncomfortable.
I stopped watching after 15 minutes of "TV" this and "skype on TV" that.

Spec wise from what I saw was:

8 core cpu
8gigs ram
500gb HDD
802 Wifi
HDMI in & out

Not sure if it's integrated graphics thoug, if it is it makes it cheaper but shittier.

Apparently the controller works like a bit of a Wii remote as well, you can use it to block and do stuff via movement (?)
And what are the specs of the PS4 compared to that?

ALSO, I would imagine Sony would sue them for the blu ray addition, I know I fucking would.

Just like Sony sued them for using a DVD drive on previous generations which was also developed in conjunction with Sony?

It's a standardised format...
I didn't know that ^^^

A lot of people buy the PS3 because its a blu ray related console, and now Microsoft is making one, surely they must think they are going to lose the battle sale wise? :lol:

I still don't understand why Xbox is more popular than Play Stations honestly, it makes no fucking sense.
Apparently if you want to play a used game on the Xbox One, you will have to pay a fee. Same goes if you want to play a game you already own on a different account or a different machine. Just terrible.
I thought you couldn't play used games on PS4 as well? Or something like that... I can't remember what the deal was. Honestly that wouldn't make any sense.
Just finished watching the video and it was scary. Am I crazy to think that this is going to make people a lot more lazy and passive? I mean, you barely have to use your hands anymore! What's next... no voice commands needed? It'll detect the movements of your eyes? Also, am I alone in thinking that the more realistic the games look/play the less "fun" they become?

Seriously, with these kinda innovations a future like "Idiocracy" and "Surrogates" is highly probable.
Just finished watching the video and it was scary. Am I crazy to think that this is going to make people a lot more lazy and passive? I mean, you barely have to use your hands anymore! What's next... no voice commands needed? It'll detect the movements of your eyes? Also, am I alone in thinking that the more realistic the games look/play the less "fun" they become?

Seriously, with these kinda innovations a future like "Idiocracy" and "Surrogates" is highly probable.

Totally agree about the first part of your post, though it's not just the Xbox, that's how most things are becoming, unfortunately. There was a good part in the reveal, where the guy said ' it's almost as fast as using a remote'.... Well, shit, what's wrong with a remote? What if I don't want to scream commands at my TV :lol:
Also, am I alone in thinking that the more realistic the games look/play the less "fun" they become?

Back when games were few pixels or polygons you had to use more your imagination which is the coolest thing.

I still don't understand why Xbox is more popular than Play Stations honestly, it makes no fucking sense.

They both aim to different players mostly. For example the ps4 has more jrps, more intricate games, etc while the xbox 360 mainly focus on casual games, more newbie friendly than the ps4 games.
Yes you're the only one.

Okay, so you're speaking on behalf of the entire forum? Who elected you the representative of the forum?

Back when games were few pixels or polygons you had to use more your imagination which is the coolest thing.

True but I don't even have to go that far back. Playstation and Playstation 2 had, IMO, the best and the most memorable games.
If you want to go further back then Sega's Genesis 2/MegaDrive II and Nintendo's NES/SNES also had the most enjoyable and memorable games.

Those consoles didn't have the most amazing graphics so the stories and characters were the key elements. Now it's the other way around! Rich graphics, poor stories and characters.
With that said, I think Sony's PS4 is a lot more interesting than Xbox One as a gaming console. I always liked Sony's exclusive PS franchises and the overall catalog and variety of games.