New XBOX One

Apparently if you want to play a used game on the Xbox One, you will have to pay a fee. Same goes if you want to play a game you already own on a different account or a different machine. Just terrible.

This is incorrect, it was a rumor started some months ago when the Xbox was announced, but they either withdrew or dismissed the rumor. The fact that it might be true in the future is another thing...

Yes you're the only one.

No, I myself embrace high graphics only if it serves a purpose. I have an example with Journey, and it's not even super hi graphics, just artistic sense in game design. I have enjoyed kinda-hi graphics games a few times, and then it gets boring if that's the only thing it offers. I have done one call of duty campain, found it cool, then started another one on the next game, realized it's the exact same, even more linear, then just quit it. It brings no joy following a scripted path you know you can't even lose (you die, you start again 1mn before, and unless you move forward, the ennemies don't even try to get to you, absolutely no fun).

The XBox is super super disappointing, I was considering getting both consoles, because the XBox is honestly better for online gaming by design (at least the XBox 360 was over the PS3), but this is not overwhelming at all. All they can tell us is you can watch TV and skype in it. Seriously, that's already why I have a computer in the first place. I can undersand some people would have a sue of it, but let's talk about, y'know... gaming !

Eventhough it's not an important factor, it is indeed horrid, just like the previous XBox were.

I hate wii-style controllers. Even the PS3 controller can do it and anytime a game uses the feature, it gets frustrating. I just want to use its buttons ! If I wanted to jump around, I would go running outside or to the gym, not on my console. I have NEVER enjoyed and found interesting any type of physical interaction between me moving a controller around and the console. It's fun the first minutes or hours on wii and then you realize it ruins the gaming experience by making everything too hard, or therefore too easy by forcing developpers in making the game noob friendly or non skill related.

Ah well that sucks donkey balls, I'm so out of the loop on consoles. I always thought it was awesome that you could play PS games on a PS2. Fuck it, I might as well just buy a PS2 (mine is in Venezuela), there's a cool used game shop near my work.

You cannot load Ps or Ps2 games on the PS3, only Ps on Ps2. However, some of the best ones are available in direct download through the PS3 PSStore including FF VII VIII and IX (a friend just started VIII again on his PS3).

Also Dan just fucking trust me, here : if you have the cash for it, buy a PS3 (even a used one) then spend the 20ish euros on Journey, play it when you have an afternoon free of distractions and thank me later !

And finally, just like some of you said, I think the Playstation ecosystem is way more interesting. Xbox games are more towards FPS sports and online games, PS have more storyline driven games and rpgs. Or they have PC ports rpg games that in any case are way more interesting on PC (like the elder scrolls where 80% of the fun is using unofficial mods and add-ons from the community)
Honestly I think it comes down to the games available for the Xbox. I have a PS3 and I hate it because the majority of the games I want for it are only available on Xbox. Also Xbox's network is a lot better IMO.

The PS3 does have better graphics. Atleast to me they seem better. But what good are great graphics when I cant get many games I like.

Would definitely take Xbox 360 over PS3.

To play the devil's advocate, the Xbox 360 has better graphics, easily, than the PS3. Take any game that is ported on both of them (say any call of duty) and you should see at least a slight difference. The thing is most independant games are developped on PS3 and most of them emphasize more on beauty artistically speaking than with pure graphics (Journey, quantic dream's Kara, Ico/Shadow of the Colossus, Final Fantasys etc) which is why some games look better.

XBox's network is indeed more stable but also not free, that's two different marketing strategies down there, Xbox's strategy on this is to have people pay 2 or 3 times the price of the console over time which is fine if you realize it and consider the investment worth it if you play online a lot. PS3's online experience can be frustrating with a bad connection at the worst time of the day but it's also free
Oh okay, and why exactly do we even need this kind of specs is what i'm wondering. I agree with the playing a "movie" analogy, Crysis 3 felt like that, was still fucking awesome though.

Progress I guess, at least now the consoles will match a pretty good pc as opposed to matching a pretty good cellphone as is currently the unfortunate situation, the only good thing was it REALLY forced game devs to get their shit together so the games could look good and run on the current gen consoles, so we should be seeing some really impressive stuff ahead.
This is incorrect, it was a rumor started some months ago when the Xbox was announced, but they either withdrew or dismissed the rumor. The fact that it might be true in the future is another thing...

Some sites reported that that was the case after the reveal. Now it seems that you can lend your friends your games, but they must use your account to play them. And the fee may still be there if you want to sell them? There's a lot of confusion going on, same with the 'always on' thing, it's not exactly clear.
The last thing I read about it was the exact same thing written on a news website and they did an update on the article stating microsoft contacted them to correct the statement that people would have to pay a fee. I have no clue about the use of your friend's account if it's still his property

EDIT : just read Xbox One is not retrocompatible with XBox 360

999 € ? Ok ...

Edit: nvm ..not an official price.
I play COD occasionally to have fun with my friends but I don't like it being what motivates the hardware engineers and software developers for a console. I mean, what we have seen on the XBox, is EA sports and NFL + FIFA + Car race games, and COD. Which one of these franchises made you dream ?

When I bought the PS1, it was packed with FFVII. I know it's annoying hearing about FF all the time, but man that was something, and another milestone in gaming. I don't say a game cannot be just fun, but that's just missing the whole point of having the potential today of more immersion and emotional impact.
I'll pass on this one, started on the nes, then master system,snes, genesis and my ex bought me a ps3 as a gift. My ps3 died with skyrim ( shuts off by itself, a slim 120)

It's gonna be cheaper to buy a windows computer and play there than getting any of the newer consoles. Heard it's gonna be around 500, fuck that.
The exclusive games is the only downside, but oh well.

Since I don't like fps or sports, I think it'll be a good choice for me.

And sincerely, I don't get the reason why graphics are so overrated. Nice to have them but they are not the only thing that has to be there. I prefer playability over looks.
I agree about the older games being much more fun to play. Right now I am playing Shining force II from Mega drive, the game has 20 years. It´s from 1993 but it is probably the best game I played in many many years.
^ This guy is crazy :lol:

EDIT : Sony must be following the Xbox show reactions with attention, Microsoft just gave them good weapons and basically a golden highway for them to strike hard at least on a pre-release stage. I really hope they don't go the same route. I don't care about TV, sports, stuff like that, I'm just never gonna use the feature anyway. I'm way more concerned about this type of 24/7 internet connectivity requirement, games linked to your account, etc. I hope the PS4 stays with a physical support + online connectivity used for updates and online content only.

holy shit.
I must confess, I didn't watch the whole conference through, cause I couldn't
stand the BS talk, and skipped through it rather quickly at some I missed some of the "news", that they seemed to definitely have confirmed now.

Watching his video is like seeing most of the ranting I would have to do, if I actually still gave a fuck about this kind of shit.
No nextgen xbox for me then.
Apart from the exclusive titles it doesn't matter anyway, since 360 games aren't playable.