New XBOX One

I know this is an xbox thread but dang this wii u is capable of next gen graphics even it's modest hardware
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YEah i wont getting a Xbox one. They totally blew it with the whole online crap. Im not a big consumer of buying second hand games but it should be up to us if we want to sell the game or borrow it to a friend. Playstation 4 FTW
Always been a PS owner as it is, so, its kinda crazy to see just how awful M$ is doing this time around... woooozzza
Yes, reading the link, they make it sound like the story is they listened to their awesome fans and made a move to make them happy, while reality was they are trying to screw everyone in a big brother fashion and had to withdraw something. I don't see how 24h connection checks would increase the user experience. Just make it optional : if you're connected, fine, download updates, make the game interactive or whatever. If you are not, let's play online, end of story !
I don't see how 24h connection checks would increase the user experience.

That was only so they could monitor any hacking of the console and/or use of non-genuine games. They previously attempted to defend this by saying the game sales would plummet if everyone just shared their games.
I get the feeling that Microsoft wanted games to be downloads because they've always had problems with the disc drive in their consoles. The Xbox One wasn't supposed to require a disc in the drive to play, but now they have to change that to the way it's always been - could be that if they didn't/don't choose their hardware carefully, the fault reports will just keep flowing in.

For me, nothing still changes the fact that PS4 will feature better hardware, and costs a hundred dollars less. Microsoft will have to do more to get me buy their console.
The thing is I think both companies had the potential to go through with these types of licensing clamp downs (and apparently Sony were debating them right up to the last minute as well) and if they had implemented them in four years time the market would have reached satisfaction with this loss of liberty and moved on to something else; these things happen every few years - I remember when Steam came out and everybody was crying foul about it and now you can't not use the damn thing.

The fact that Sony called Microsofts bluff is more just a clever PR maneuver than anything else; I refuse to believe that Sony wouldn't kick the shit out of the consumer if it hadn't seen an opportunity to collect the upper hand and win the war before it began. At the end of the day this was about money and the fact that Sony managed to extract that by hammering the competitor instead of the consumer doesn't make it any less calculated or nefarious; it just means they'll be biding their time or choose a different approach of more meticulously removing such privileges from the purchaser.

My call would be that they will slowly introduce this binding and online checking approach through single select titles over the period of the next two or three years until the market reaches saturation point and by the time the further generation of consoles approaches this will already be an established feature.
Well nobody said anything about Steam..... it requires to be online, I'm not saying always but mostly you have to be. Pc gamers loves steam, one single repository to rule them all.
Steam->Low prices and other good shit....
The thing that sucked on the xboxone was the used market, I simply didn't give a shit about being online always period, it pissed me off for not being able to buy used games or sell them!
Steam is annoying as fuck. If only they didn't need online checking as well. And to go offline you need to go online first which means, like for me, if the damn thing bugs when you are offline for a week, you can't use it cause the software asks you to connect to check something when in fact you decided to go offline because you cannot connect to the internetz in the first place. Seriously, such an annoying system. It's practical when it works but incredibly frustrating when it doesn't.
Steam is annoying as fuck. If only they didn't need online checking as well. And to go offline you need to go online first which means, like for me, if the damn thing bugs when you are offline for a week, you can't use it cause the software asks you to connect to check something when in fact you decided to go offline because you cannot connect to the internetz in the first place. Seriously, such an annoying system. It's practical when it works but incredibly frustrating when it doesn't.

Yes if you don't have internet access it sucks sometimes.
Still loved by millions because of its great deals.